The Dragon and the Fairy Godmother

The invisible dragon flew over their house, near a low mountain by a river close to a small city. He called out to the babe's soul. "Ryn..."

Ryn's mother Franki looked down at her baby in her arms, snuggled into her breast. "Oh wow! Look! He smiled!" Seeing the first smile from her baby son filled her with joy.

The dragon knew the boy's time had arrived. He cast a small spell over Franki, who suddenly felt very tired. "I think I will rest for a while." She lay down on her bed with her boy, and slept.

While she lay sleeping, the dragon called out again. "Soul of Ryn, precious boy, rise!" While the babe lay sleeping with his mother, his soul magically rose out of the room, and onto the roof of their house, where the invisible dragon was now perched. The dragon peered quizzically at the soul of Ryn, which shone like a light, barely able to be seen by human eyes on such a bright sunny day.

A moment later, another tiny burst of light appeared next to the dragon. He had been expecting her. "Fairy godmother, is that you?"
Jena the fairy godmother's tiny voice made musical sounds, like a soft melody on an upright piano. "Yes good dragon. You are sure? His parents want us to care for his soul, through the magic journey of his life?"
The dragon continued to peer at the beautiful light above the house, the soul of Ryn, as he replied. "Yes, fairy godmother. We are chosen."
Jena the fairy godmother had a thought. "I've never known a dragon to be a godfather. Have you ever..."
The invisible dragon interrupted her without taking his eyes off the light. "I am not his godfather. I am, I always was, and I always will be a dragon. I will teach Ryn to be true to himself, no matter what anyone calls him, or accuses him of. I will help him follow his own path, whatever he chooses."
Jena always found the dragon a little forceful and intimidating, this enormous invisible beast who had such power in his wings. But she had heard his words, and knew they were true. 
She realized the time had come for the blessing. She sang to the soul of Ryn...

"You are a being of light my child 
Now you enter the wild 
May you search for and find 
A love like your mother and father's kind 
Love that brings together
The love that made the world 
The love between a boy named David 
And Franki, his beautiful girl"

The soul of Ryn glowed a little brighter, then gently descended through the roof, and down, returning to the babe who lay in his mother's arms.
Jena the fairy godmother swooped around to face the invisible dragon. "We must leave now, good dragon." And with a flash, she was gone. The dragon beat his enormous invisible wings, and rose into the air.

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