
Karina the white witch was happy her busy life. She would fly from her home in a peaceful village in the east of Europe, to spread her magic here and there. Then she would fly home again, to enjoy life with her husband and children in the village.

Like all modern witches, she did not fly on a broom, but on a vacuum cleaner instead. And she liked listening to pop music on the radio while she spread her magic here and there.
One sunny afternoon Karina was enjoying the view as she flew homewards over middle Europe, just north of the Carpathian basin. As she flew, she felt a sharp bump, from out of nowhere. The bump was so hard that it knocked her off her magic flying vacuum cleaner! She plummeted toward the Earth far below. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" 

Magic is free will in it's highest from, but we all know it is very hard to act according to your free will when you are scared out of your mind, plummeting in free fall toward the earth. Karina tried to cast a spell to stop her falling, but her fear was growing and she could not focus her mind. She began to panic, shutting her eyes tight as the hard earth loomed closer and closer….

…When suddenly she felt something underneath her. It seemed to catch her, and lift her. She opened her eyes, and saw she was flying over the earth again. Was she now riding on some kind of magic carpet? She felt around a little, whatever she was flying on top of was invisible and very bumpy. Whose magic is this? "Who are you? Please tell me, what is happening?"

She heard a voice come from out of the sky, just ahead of her in the direction they were flying. "I'm an invisible dragon. You're on my back. I caught you as you fell from the sky." 
That explained who it was, but not where they were going. Karina wondered what the dragon was up to. "Where are you taking me?"
They were descending, getting closer to the ground every minute. The dragon answered a few moments later. "Sorry, I'm looking for where your magic vacuum cleaner landed. I can see it now." A few moments later they lit on the soft grass in the middle of a clearing.

Karina realized the invisible dragon must be enormous. She was still a long way from the ground, sitting on his invisible back. "How do I get down, invisible dragon?"
She heard his voice. "You can climb down my tail to the ground."
Karina looked around. She appeared to be suspended in mid-air, sitting on the back of an invisible dragon. "Which way is your tail, dragon?"
A moment later she heard the sound of deep breathing very close beside her. The dragon spoke again. "You are facing one of my wings." She turned her head towards his voice. "Now you are looking at my face. Climb down carefully in the other direction…"
Very, very carefully Karina felt her way slowly down the bumpy invisible scales of his enormous back and tail. The dragon watched her. "I know you are a witch, because you were flying on a vacuum cleaner. But I do not know your name. What is you name, young witch?"
She paused for a moment in her downward climb. "Karina! What's yours?"
The dragon watched her as she descended. "Just 'Dragon'. Dragon is fine."

A few moments later she was close enough to the ground, and with a little jump she landed safely on the grass. "Thank you for saving my life, gentle invisible dragon. I was so afraid…"
The dragon was gazing down at her, and she heard his voice from a little above her head. "I had to save you. It was all my fault."
Karina was confused, and looked at him quizzically. "Why, good dragon? What was your fault?"
She heard a deep rumbling, which was the sound of the dragon letting out a little sigh. "I'm afraid I wasn't looking carefully where I was flying… The view over the mountains and valley here is so spectacular. I was looking around, enjoying the view, when I accidentally bumped into you while you were riding on your magic vacuum cleaner."
At least that explained the cause of her mysterious accident. "Oh. I understand now." She cocked her head, and thought about the incident for a moment, then spoke again. "You are lucky, gentle dragon. I am a white witch, I am a soul filled with love and light. I forgive you, now and forever. Nie ważne."
He was relieved she was not angry. "Thank you, gentle Karina..." 

The dragon, however, was less able to let the issue go so easily. "…but look over there." He nudged her gently in the direction of the edge of the clearing where they stood. "Your magic vacuum cleaner is all broken. It smashed into pieces when it hit the ground."
Karina looked toward the edge of the clearing, and saw what the dragon was talking about. She walked over to inspect the damage. "Oh dear." Her precious vacuum cleaner was in pieces, broken beyond repair. "Oh dear, dear me."
The dragon was fidgety, not knowing what to do to help the young witch who did not fly on a broom like the witches of the old days. (Brooms do not break nearly so easily as vacuum cleaners when they fall out of the sky.) "Would you like me to fly you home, Karina? Where do you live? I can take you there quickly, I fly very fast…?"
Karina however was not worried at all. "Good dragon, you are kind. But everything is alright."
The dragon did not understand, but felt he should apologize. "I really am very sorry that I broke your vacuum cleaner."
She looked up in the direction of his voice. "No need to be sorry. Nie ważne." And with a wave of her hand she cast a spell, and her vacuum cleaner magically put itself back together. It then hovered in the air, ready for her next flight.

The dragon was very, very impressed. "Karina, you are indeed a white witch, a soul filled with love and light. I am happy I met you."
She grinned at the beast, and with a little jump alighted her floating vacuum cleaner. "I am happy I met you too, dragon, but please watch out where you are flying. What if you had flown into a helpless baby bird, flying for the first time in its life?"
The dragon was shamefaced. Although Karina could not see it, his invisible face was a complete expression of shame. "I will watch out. I promise!"
Karina revved her vacuum cleaner. "You do that, dragon. Now, I have to go - I'm late getting home!" And with a loud VRRRM from her vacuum cleaner she was gone.
The dragon lifted off the ground, and with a beat of his enormous wings he continued on his adventures, watching very carefully for baby birds and white witches and other flying creatures. 

A short while later Karina arrived home, landing quietly behind her house out of sight. She hid the magic vacuum cleaner in the back of the garden shed, because she still had not worked out how to explain to her family that she was a witch who could fly through the air. 
She walked to the front of the house and found her daughter Sara waiting for her. Sara liked listening to pop music on the radio, and would sometimes sing along. "Sara. would you like to tell me what has happened while I have been away?" Her daughter then told her every single thing that had happened, in very great detail. After that, Karina went inside to play with her baby son Franek.

Later that night, her husband spoke with her. He had a very serious look on his face. "Karina, my darling, I'm happy that you go to other countries to work. But sometimes, when I am alone her with our children, I have wondered what you are doing. And today - please, my darling, do not be upset when I say this - today I wondered… Do you have another man?"
Karina laughed out loud. "Oh Bolek, you are so sweet. No man could ever replace you for me. Don't be silly. The next thing you will be saying to me is that I am a witch, who flies on a vacuum cleaner, and has adventures with invisible dragons!"

Karina is alive and well today and living in the southwest of Poland

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