The path to love
The dragon soared high, and spotted Geronimo walking a little further along her path. He glided down and circled above her, listening in on her conversation.
The dragon could see fairy glow. Geronimo was chatting with the fairy Wave. "Do you know what I still haven't done, Wave? Fallen in love. I've traveled to other worlds, learned to cast spells, but love seems to always pass me by."
Wave glowed a little brighter. "Your heart will show you the way. It burns red when love leads you."
The dragon decided to interject. "Geronimo, would you like to see Paris? People say it is a city for lovers..."
Geronimo and Wave were both started. Geronimo called out. "Who is there? Who spoke?"
The dragon calmly responded. "I'm flying above you. I am the dragon, a good friend to your father."
Geronimo had heard the stories of his father's friend, and their adventures. They were such amazing stories she only half believed them. "I can't seen a dragon flying above me! Who are you?"
Wave whispered to her. "He's an invisible dragon. Of course you can't see him!"
Geronimo was embarrassed, and reminded herself once again to think first, and then speak. "Oh, yes..."
She called to the dragon. "Tell me about Paris. Will I find love in Paris?"
The dragon decided their was no time to waste. "Why don't we go there and find out?"
Wave was nodding excitedly. "I always wanted to go to Paris. You are so lucky, Geronimo!"
She was too confused by what was happening, she didn't really know what to do. "I have to tell Glinda, and Runger, they will want to know where I am..."
Runger materialized nearby to them in the forest. "I already know, my precious girl. I asked the good dragon to take you on an adventure. I didn't expect it to be in Paris, but as always, the dragon knows the best and most unexpected path."
Geronimo looked at her magical father. "Why do you want me to adventure? What do you want me to do?"
The wizard smiled thoughtfully. "We have to adventure first, to understand why we need to go to places unknown. That is the magic of adventure!"
The dragon spoke up. "The time is now, Geronimo. Let me fly you to Glinda, so you can tell her you will return. Then, your adventure begins."
The excitement of the idea began to take hold. "That sounds perfect, dragon. But I have one question. Can Wave come with us?"
The little fairly glowed so brightly, as she realized a dream of hers was about to come true. The dragon replied through an invisible smile. "Of course. Paris awaits..."
Geronimo looked at the dragon. "I've never flown a dragon before. What do I do?"
The dragon said nothing, so Runger explained. "There are three rules for flying a dragon... Respect the dragon. Trust the dragon. Ask the dragon." Geronimo nodded, so the wizard continued. "Do you respect my old friend the dragon? Tell the truth, my girl."
Geronimo looked into her heart, and spoke the truth. "Yes, father."
He continued. "Do you trust the dragon?"
Again her heart answered. "Yes."
Now the wizard had a glint in his eye. "So... now you can ask the dragon..."
Geronimo thought for a moment. "Dragon, can we do a short flight to Glinda's house, just to see how I go?"
She heard the dragon make a sound like a stifled giggle before he spoke. "Of course, young Geronimo. Climb aboard!"
She was confused for a moment. "Where? I can't see you!"
She heard his voice very close. "I'm right beside you." She reached up and felt his scaly neck. Filled with awe and amazement, she climbed on, and felt herself lifted into the sky.
They flew over the enchanted forest, and toward the village. Geronimo could hardly recognize her home from the air, but the dragon knew where he was going. He slowly descended near to Glinda's house, then lowered his neck for Geronimo to get off. "We're here! I will wait for you to say goodbye to Glinda. Tell her we will be back soon..."
Geronimo ran inside, and found Glinda gazing at her crystal ball. "So you are going to Paris on a dragon, my girl?"
Geronimo smiled, she was always amazed how she could have no secrets from her witch mother. "Yes! Isn't it exciting!"
Glinda got a faraway look in her eyes that was filled with memories. "You remind me of you father, flying off on exciting dragon adventures at a moments notice." She continued gazing directly at Geronimo. "Is this your path, my child? You told the ancient ones you were ready to follow your path. Is Paris, and searching for lovers your path?"
Geronimo thought for a few moments, about all her adventures while she had searched for love. She had traveled with Wave, and Stroth the blind earthworm, and re-discovered Phillipe and Runger, her amazing father. She had met the ancient ones, been guided by them, and now she was setting off on a new adventure with the invisible dragon. She turned and smiled at Glinda, who had always looked after her so lovingly.
"My search for love has lead me down a magical path. I know my love is out there, I feel it in my heart. He will find me, I will find him. I will not search for love in Paris... I will follow my path, and if the dragon says Paris is my next stop on my path, then so be it."
Glinda put her arm around her daughter. "You have grown into an amazing young woman, Geronimo. Maybe one day, I will join you, be a companion on your path. Maybe even somewhere in Paris..."
Geronimo hugged Glinda, with a squeeze so hard in made them both laugh. "I'm ready to go now, Glinda. Please, come and join me whenever you can. Please...."
They walked outside. Glinda sensed the dragon, she remembered him from the old days with Runger. "Hello, magnificent dragon. A long time..."
Geronimo heard the dragon's invisible voice. "Glinda, you are more beautiful than ever!"
Glinda leaned down and whispered to Geronimo. "I always liked him, he's got charm! You'll have an amazing adventure together. Now, follow your path..."
Geronimo held Glinda's hand for a long moment, then climbed onto the dragon's enormous shoulders, vanishing from sight, cloaked by his invisibility. She called out as they rose into the air.
"See you in Paris, Glinda!"
Glinda waved, then whispered softly. "Keep her safe, good dragon."
The dragon, who could hear the most loving of thoughts, promised to himself he would always keep Geronimo safe.
(Geronimo is alive and well today, and living in Paris)
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