Jena's day off

Jena the fairy godmother had been very busy in the weeks before Christmas. She always had lots to do, sprinkling fairy dust in the lives of the people she loved, scattered far and wide around the blue marble called Earth. She woke up one cold December morning, and decided then and there that it was high time she had a day off.

She had a lazy morning in bed with a tiny cup of tea and read a magazine about new styles to wear a girl's wings. Then she chatted with a few friends on FairyBook, before rehearsing a few scenes from a script she had been working on. She had been studying acting as a new way to sprinkle her magic around. 

She prepared carefully, getting into character, magically creating the reality of the scene she was about to play in her thoughts. A balcony materialized under her feet as her tiny room disappeared around her. She saw a romantic moonlight flood her world, mirroring the feelings of love for her young suitor. She spoke her apostrophic lines. "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?"

She didn't expect an answer. "I'm here, but my name isn't Romeo. Who is Romeo?"
She recognized the voice immediately, and ran to her window. "Hello, good dragon! Didn't your mother teach you not to look into a girl's window without asking?"
The dragon, hovering outside the window, was suddenly embarrassed. "I didn't look in, precious Jena. Truly. I was about to tap on your window, when I heard your voice. Who were you talking to?"
She cocked her head mysteriously and spoke with a grin. "No-one, and it's none of your business. I forgive you for interrupting my rehearsal."
The dragon was relieved he had not upset her. "What were you rehearsing, tiny fairy?"
She held her head high with pride. "A new kind of magic that I learned from the humans. It's called Acting. Great fun."

Perhaps, thought the dragon, I should leave her alone. "Well, if you're busy, I'll come around again later..."
Jena felt a sudden pang, a mixture of guilt and disappointment. The dragon NEVER came around to see her, and the one time that he does, he leaves again almost immediately. Not being the kind of girl to leave things that are not right un-right, she changed that immediately. "I want to see the Christmas Markets in Nuremberg, and today is my day off! Wanna come?"
The dragon had no idea what she was talking about, so he accepted immediately. "Sure. Hop on! I'll fly you there, if you tell me which way to go…"
She grabbed a bag, and some tiny earmuffs because it was very cold and snowy outside. "I was going to cast a spell to get me there, but riding a dragon will be much more fun..."

The set off on an unexpectedly long journey. The dragon did not know the way, and Jena only knew how to get there by casting a spell. After flying past the Eiffel tower, a bull ring in Seville, the Copenhagen mermaid, the snow-covered Kremlin, taking a break so the dragon could rest a moment at the Coliseum, and then discovering that they were now soaring over the Acropolis, Jena made a decision. "Dragon, we need a map!"
She cast a little spell, and after a few moments pointed in the opposite direction to which they had been flying. "OK, Nuremberg is that way!"
The dragon said nothing.

The sun had completely set by the time they flew in over the Christmas Markets. The marketplace gleamed with lights which cast a kind of starlight over the snow-covered churches and buildings of the Old Town. The dragon perched on the roof of the Frauenkirche nearby so they could get a good overview of the scene.
Jena was very excited. "OK, first things first. Some mulled wine! What are you drinking, dragon?"
He was unsure what to say, he usually drank water. "What is good to try, good fairy?"
She vanished without replying, and the dragon waited patiently on the church roof. Everyone below seemed filled with merriment.
Jena returned a few moments later with a thimble-full of mulled wine. "OK, here we are!" 
An elf wearing a felt hat and green stockings was scrambling up the side of the church with a large glass, filled with a steaming liquid. The dragon could see little leaves and limes in the glass, and sugar crystals at the bottom. This must be indeed some powerful magical potion! "What did you get for me, good fairy?"
Jena beamed at him. "Hot Mojito!"
The elf handed the dragon his glass. "Thank you." 
The dragon did not really understand why the elf remained still standing there, until Jena explained in a whisper. "It is a custom in this part of the world to give a tip to the person who brings your drink, gentle dragon."
The dragon thought for a moment, then addressed the elf. "Never let anyone tell you that wearing green stockings is not manly…"
The elf felt years of nervousness about wearing tights vanish from his consciousness. "Thanks for the tip!"

They lingered on the roof, attracting the attention of other mystical creatures in town for the Christmas Markets. Soon their was quite a party of angels, fairies, elves, spirits and other-world beings gathered on the church roof. The people below were quite oblivious to it all. The dragon and Jena chatted and socialized and did very well. 

The dragon was particularly taken by one angel who was down from heaven for the weekend. Jena noticed the unusual behavior of her reptilian invisible friend. She sidled over to him and whispered in his ear. "Sweet dragon, she wont look as good in the morning when the mojito wears off…"
The dragon was suddenly aware that everyone at the party looked particularly beautiful tonight. "Thanks for the tip!"

Jena realized the time was getting on, and the stalls at the market were closing. She zoomed down, realizing she had not enough time left for any Christmas shopping. She was about to return to the party, when she spotted a perfect gift for her good friend the dragon.
She zoomed back up to the roof and found the dragon sitting at the edge of the eaves looking toward the castle. "I was getting a little bored of the party, good fairy."
She held out her gift. "It's for you."
It looked like a tiny arrowhead, with a gold band below the point. "Thank you, Jena. What is it?"
She explained in detail. "Nuremberg used to house sacred relics of the Holy Roman Empire. The sacred reminders. This is one of the holiest of the relics, the reminders - the spear tip. I want it to remind you always of our journey together with Ryn, because these memories for me are very sacred."
The dragon was silent for a few moments, a little overwhelmed. "Thanks for the tip."
Jena looked at him sideways. Is he making jokes? Did he understand? "The spear tip is just a symbol, great friend. I want it to always remind you about what is holy in our friendship."
He remained silent a little longer. "I know, good fairy. I feel the same. My memories of our journey, caring for Ryn, they are sacred to me too."

They sat together, and the invisible dragon watched as the lights in the marketplace went out one by one. "Time to go home, Jena. Would you like me to fly you back?"
They both remembered their longer than expected "scenic route" early that day. After an awkward silence, she replied. "Thank you dragon, that is kind. I will use my magic."
As she began to disappear, he called out a farewell. "Thank you for your wonderful gift…"
Rising into the air and soaring over the old town, he flew past the castle, and on to new adventures.

(Nuremberg, Germany)

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