The Magical Presence

The Invisible Dragon was sitting on the roof of the hospital, waiting for something to happen. He had been there for hours, with a good spot opposite the window where he could get a peek at Ryn's new little brother or sister. Where were they?

He heard sound close to his ear, like the tinkling of a melody on a piano. Jena hovered next to him, and whispered. "Good Dragon, Ryn's sister Thea is already with us. She was born in the ambulance on the way to the hospital!"

The invisible dragon was overjoyed by the news. "Really? A girl?" Then an afterthought. "Thea is a beautiful name."

Jena was obviously elated too, and had many things to do now. "David and Franki have chosen us again. I will see you soon, good friend." She vanished, with a tiny spark of light.

The dragon looked around, and realized there was nothing more to see here. With a beat of his enormous wings he ascended into the sky, muttering to himself. "Bugger. Missed it."


Weeks later, friends gathered in a park, to celebrate the arrival of a new baby girl named Thea, and the birthday of her brother Ryn. 

Jena spoke to the dragon while he hovered above. "I'm going to join the party. You?"
The invisible dragon knew his presence would upstage the whole event. Humans make such a fuss over the simple magic of invisible dragons in the modern world. "I'll be up here. Say something nice about me."

Jena materialized below as an attractive young lady and joined the festivities. David played a song for Thea, about the adventure shared between parent and child.

At the right moment, Jena read out a story, and curtseyed to the group when they realized they were in the magical presence of a real live fairy godmother.

"David and Franki have asked me and my invisible dragon friend to care for the soul of Thea, throughout the magical journey of her life. We have a blessing for her…"

While Thea's parents gazed at their baby girl, Jena spoke to her soul.

"You are a being of light my child 
Now you enter the wild 
May you search for and find 
A love like your mother and father's kind 
Love that brings together
The love that made the world 
The love between a boy named David 
And Franki, his beautiful girl"

The crowd applauded. Most of them had never seen a real live fairy godmother give a blessing.  

Jena remembered she had promised to say something nice about her good friend hovered above.

"Thea has a special friend, to lead her toward magic, love and inspiration. He is not her godfather. He is, always was, always will be an invisible dragon. He will teach Thea to be true to herself, no matter what anyone calls her, or accuses her of. He will help her follow her own path, whatever she chooses."

She looked up at the invisible dragon hovered above, and winked at him. He grinned and gave a tiny flick of his wings. A little gossamer breeze passed across the park. Some people looked up, and although they could not see the invisible dragon with their eyes, they saw him in their heart and their dreams.
Later that night, the dragon hovered over the house by a mountain, near a city by a river. While Franki and David and Ryn slept, he called to the baby girl. "Thea…"

The soul of Thea appeared as a circle of light. It rose up from her tiny body, ascended through the roof, and lit on the shoulder of the enormous invisible dragon. He beat his wings, and they began the first of many adventures.

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