The Devil's Tower

The invisible dragon soared over the North American continent, toward Michigan and the house of the woman named Jeanne. As he got closer he could feel a wish coming from her, and could "hear" the wish in her heart…

"I must go to Devil's Tower, to see Lynne."

He gently announced his presence through an open window. "Jeanne…"
Her heart had been so entranced by her dreams, she took a moment to respond. "Dragon!"
His eyes were sparkling. "Come with me, I'll fly you to Devil's Tower."

She crossed the room and leaned out of the window. "Where are you? I can't see you."
He tapped her hand with an invisible talon. "You are looking at me. Are you ready to fly?"
She could hear his voice, directly in front of her. "Yes! Let's go!"
He craned his neck around. "You can climb out of the window and onto my shoulders."

It seemed an ungainly move, but this was no time for elegance. "OK, here goes." She swung her legs out across the window ledge, felt for his invisible shoulders with her feet, and with a little leap she was ready to go. 

To her surprise, she was now invisible too. "Hey, where did I go?"
The dragon shuffled a moment to get comfortable. "You are cloaked by my invisibility. Ready to fly?"
Was she ever. "Yes, good dragon."

He beat his enormous wings, and they rose into the sky, flying over the Great Lakes and along the St Laurence river. They crossed the endless turbulence of the North Atlantic and beyond, rounding the northern coast of Ireland. Soon the dragon began to descend toward the rocky, craggy Scottish lands, and he followed his intuition to find his father. 

He spotted the Magician atop a rocky peak, shaped a little like an ancient tower. 

The Magician greeted her as she dismounted from the invisible dragon. "Welcome to Devil's Tower, Jeanne."
She was entranced by the beautiful landscape, then suddenly noticed someone was missing. "Where's Lynne?"

The Magician knew his news would be a shock. "She decided not to come."
Jeanne was suddenly ashen-faced. "But... she was going to help me. I need her help! She deceived me..."

A typical Scottish mist gathered around the peak top where they stood. The dragon nuzzled Jeanne affectionately, to try and ameliorate the shock. He looked at his father, searching for other ways to help.

The Magician thought about where they were, and what was happening. "Devils are fallen angels, precious Jeanne. And angels are messengers..."
The mist seemed to thicken around them as she replied. "I don't understand... why did she do this?"
The young dragon had understood. "It's a message."
She began to sob. "What message? I need her help! I don't know what to do!"
The Magician looked around at the abundance of the earth. "No Jeanne, you don't need her help."

The invisible dragon sheltered her with one wing, while with the other wing he bat away the misty fog which seemed not to want to dissipate. "You still have Anthony, and your love for him. Isn't that everything you need for adventuring through life?"

She looked at the dragon through tear-stained eyes. "But... we need... help..."

The Magician bid the sun to shine brighter, to make the day clearer. "It's a message, Jeanne, from a fallen angel. You have everything you need. You don't need anyone's help. This is an important gift. Accept Lynne's message."

It took time. Minutes folded into hours, and they discussed how, after a lifetime of perceiving she was lacking what she needed, the world had finally changed. The mist cleared and the sun began to shine again. 

Jeanne's tears dried and she felt a new successful truth pulsing through her. "You're absolutely right. I have everything I need! I don't need help."

The Magician smiled, but his invisible dragon son offered a suggestion. "Jeanne, perhaps you need my help to fly home again...?"

She broke out into a grin. "You're right! The help I need will always be right beside me..."

She wished the Magician a good day, then climbed onto the back of the dragon for her first magical flight to new adventures.

Jeanne is alive and well and is the co-creator of a book called "The Successful Truth." 
...Lynne vanished mysteriously in November 2013


  1. So beautifully written. Thank you Peter! You are absolutely Amazing!

    1. You are completely welcome... Keep dreaming, they all come true.
