A search for family

The invisible dragon flew beyond the Aegean sea, onward to Olympus on the Turkish coastline. He spotted the Oracle gazing into the flames of her eternal fires, and swooped down. 

Without looking up, she addressed him. "Welcome, good friend. What brings you to the Oracle on this fine evening?"
The young dragon had thought long about his question. "Do you see a flaw in my father? Is he not a true magician?"
She gazed deeper into the flames. "I had not expected such a question."

For the first time, her supra-conscious vision had not foreseen his query. But he knew from past experiences not to voice his youthful surprise. "I ask you with the greatest respect for you wisdom."
After a time, the flames offered a response to her. She turned to the young dragon, and observed his invisible responses in her heart and her dreams. "Your father is able to wear many masks, like an actor. The masks are all illusory. But beneath these masks he is a true illusionist - a magician."

Many thoughts passed through the young dragon's mind. The Oracle read each of them, impressed by how maturely he now stepped beyond youthful emotive responses to ask the question worthy of a true answer. "How can I see beyond these masks?"
She realized the limit of his wisdom lay at the border of his own true nature. "Just as I see you. You must look at your father with your heart, and your dreams."
The dragon spread his invisible wings in preparation to leave. "Thank you, great Oracle. I will do this."

He soared homewards across the eastern Mediterranean sky… then suddenly halted in mid-air, and turned around. When he arrived back at the Oracle's lair, he found her with a gentle smile on her face. "I was expecting you to return."
The feeling of intimidation which he had often experienced in her presence returned. He ignored these irrational feelings, and asked his question. "Who is she, the Enchantress? Is she my mother the Goddess, in human form?"

The Oracle gazed into the flames and saw immediately the answer. "When you see him clearly, you will see her clearly. You are a mystical being, you must see clearly through the mist to understand the answer."
The young dragon gazed back into clouded memories of the Magician and the Enchantress. "We have journeyed together many times, to many places. They are no longer the people I thought they were when I was younger."
She looked back at his invisible face, and saw the simple confusion of a child unsure about his relationship with his parents. "What you thought when you were younger was nothing more than your imaginings. What is true about her?"
The dragon hung his head. "I don't know."

They sat together in silence, the old woman and the young dragon. She knew he was not ready for the answers, so she made idle chit-chat. "Your father can clarify the truth so well. With a wave of his magical hand visions of the truth appear for anyone who cares to see and hear it."
The dragon nodded, but his mind was elsewhere. "She has been like a mother to me." He smiled invisibly. "I call her 'my queen' because she laughs when I say that…"

The Oracle saw new auras dancing around the flames that lit her lair. "She is neither your mother nor a queen. She is focussed on her task, to help you fulfill your destiny."
After several moments of silence, the dragon realized she had answered his question. "Thank you, great Oracle."

As he rose into the sky she returned to gazing into the flames.
The invisible dragon soared onwards, towards the rising sun. The light grew brighter and brighter, and then he heard her voice. "You are my greatest creation."
He looked all around for her, but she had not manifested. "Goddess? Where are you?"
Her voice came to him clearly as the sunlight streamed all around him. "I will always be with you. I speak to you in the wordless language of your heart."

Invisible and filled with the power of the sun, he soared further and further, higher and higher. His mind was very clear, until a misty memory sparked into a question. "What was my father like, before you met him?"
A silent, wordless vision appeared in his heart. Then her voice came to him, to explain. "He was just a young storyteller, who told simple, beautiful stories. He had love in his heart. He let passion flow through his soul …and into his stories."

The invisible dragon never, ever heard the voice of the Goddess again. But he knew she was always all around him, in every moment that he traveled through the loving universe. Sometimes he saw her silent, wordless visions in his heart. When he was young, he would ask the Magician what these visions meant, and his father would tell him wonderful, passionate stories filled with a love of the universe and of humanity. 

As he grew older, and wiser, he interpreted the visions for himself. And he began to tell stories, stories of his adventures with magical people living on our blue planet. His father wrote down the stories…  

The Dragon Adventures.
The Oracle, the Magician, the Enchantress and the Goddess are alive and well

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