The dark side of the princess

The invisible dragon had been flying here and there around the Malayan peninsula. The day was very warm, and he was getting thirsty. Soaring over Penang island, he could see no cooling lakes or freshwater rivers where he could drink. So he lit on a crumbling rooftop in Georgetown to decide what to do.

He noticed a young woman wandering here and there through the laneways. She seemed to be looking for something. First she appeared on a street corner, then outside a temple decorated with asian dragons, then she searched for her bearings at an intersection. He flitted down to find out what she was looking for.

She had taken out a map to read. He whispered to her. "I can help you find what you are looking for..."
When she heard his voice, she smiled in a way that made the day seem a little brighter. "Who's there? I can see you in my heart ...but not with my eyes."
He introduced himself. "I am an invisible dragon. It's very nice to meet you."
Her eyes were a mesmerising deep brown, and her accent was from a far-off land. "I am an arabic princess.... but I'm travelling alone today. I'm very pleased to meet you too, invisible dragon." Then she held out her map. "It's hot, and today I want to drink a beer! But I don't know which way I should go."
The dragon never used a map to find what he was looking for. "I am thirsty too. Climb on my shoulders, we will find somewhere nice."

He craned his enormous invisible neck down so that she could scramble onto his shoulders. Cloaked by his invisibility, they soared over the old town until they found a nice place to drink. She spoke to him of her adventures in London and Paris, and Arabia, and Malaya. He listened, pleased to have found a new friend.

When she spoke of plans for new adventures on the island, he had an idea. "We can explore the island together tomorrow, wondrous princess."
She looked at her new invisible friend, and then laughed out loud. "I was going to catch a bus... but flying with an invisible dragon is much better!"

So early the next day they began their adventures around the island. They zoomed along the coastline and saw waterfalls, and temples, and sleepy villages where fisherman lived and worked, and a mosque that floatedThey found a nice beach with a beautiful view looking out across the straits of Mallaca, and shared a local dish called laksa.
The dragon whispered to the princess. "We have had a perfect adventure."
She had been filling his days with her smile, and she did it once again now. "Yes, good dragon, we make a great team!"
He relaxed, and listened to the wind and the waves on the shore. "This beach is paradise. Not all dragons get to live in paradise. Not many people too. I'm glad that we can share a little bit of paradise together."

They flew onwards, over mountains and though tiny villages. After a time, the dragon realized he did not know exactly where they were. This happened quite often to him, adventuring as he always did without a map. "We seem to have gotten lost in paradise, good princess."
She nodded. They stopped in a small village, and accepted a drink from a wise old man. They could see no signs, so she made a suggestion. "Do you think we should ask the old man for help, great dragon?"
The dragon flitted off for a few moments, then returned with an enormous grin on his invisible face. "I told him what we were looking for. He told me to go back is safer, but to go forward is best."

So, as the sun sank toward the horizon, they continued onward. They followed signs. They found a holy place on the side of a mountain. He flew very fast, to bring her home before it grew dark.

Later that evening, they relaxed together and remembered their day. They spoke of adventures past, and mystical times, and the magic of dragons and princesses and magicians. He was charmed by her, and he said so. "Adventuring together with you is a very special journey, good princess. Why do you travel alone?"
She did not answer his question directly. "I have a dark side."

Memories of their day were still circling in the mystical dragon's soul. "Are you looking for something in the dark?"
In the same moment a light appeared inside her. "I will remember this day all my life, invisible dragon."

He realised that it was time to fly. He spread his enormous wings, and called out to her as he lifted off. "Today we were lost in paradise. We could not find what we were looking for. But we continued forward, onward, and before it got dark... we found our way home."

The princess is alive and well and living between London and Paris

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