Another kind of courage

Randy rode enthusiastically along the miles of highway near his home. Melinda sat behind him, holding him close. 
The motorbike had a third passenger; a boy-child named Braxton, who was not yet ready to enter the world. Randy half-turned his head and called out to Melinda over the roar of the engine and the breeze. "Imagine for a moment I'm a knight, and this is my fine stallion..." She smiled at the thought, then called back. "Then I must be your princess, who you have just rescued from the evil Duke of Darkness..." He laughed out loud at the thought, calling back again as he gunned the engine. "Let us ride princess! Home to our castle!"
The third passenger could not hear, or see, or understand anything that was going on in the real world. But his tiny soul was connected to their love, and dreams, and particularly to their loving daydreams. Although Braxton could not speak, his soul cried out. "I want to go to a castle, and meet a knight and a princess!"


The invisible dragon had been circling lazily overhead, with nothing much to do today. Dragons can hear when a soul cries out, so he heard very clearly the unborn child's wish. He called softly. "Braxton..."

His mother felt a wave of love, but she didn't know why. She leaned forward to try and share the moment with Randy. "Riding with you is wonderful..." What she didn't know, was that her baby's tiny soul had begun to float upwards. A little metaphysical circle of light had exited the physical world of form. Baby Braxton's was soon comfortably seated on the scaly shoulders of the dragon. 

The dragon felt his gratitude, and whispered. "I know, I know, little soul. Riding with me is wonderful. Now, we have an appointment with an knight, and a princess, precious child."

Braxton's tiny arms held tight as they swooped across the sky, and across dimensions. Soon they were hovering above a castle, in a far away land almost forgotten by time. The dragon hovered so the tiny babe could get a better view. "Can you see who is in the courtyard?"
When a child sees his mother, the instinct to reach out is very powerful. Braxton saw the princess, but as he looked closer he realized she was his mother. He reached out with both arms and leaned forward...

...and suddenly slipped from the dragon's neck! His tiny heart went into overdrive as he plummeted towards earth. But then he felt the talons of the dragon gently plucking him from the air. "While you are on my watch, everything with be alright."
Braxton scrambled back onto the invisible dragon's shoulders to watch the proceedings below.
Princess Melinda was clearly agitated. "What if he comes again?" A husky voice tried to reassure her. "Then I will protect you." She tried to relax. "Thank you, brave knight."
To be a knight is to be a man of courage and chivalry. This knight had faced many fears, and conquered many enemies. And yet, in this moment, he found his courage faltering. "Beautiful Princess Melinda, I want to ask you something..." She heard a sound, and her face turned graven. "That's him. The Duke of Darkness."
The fine knight forgot his faltering in an instant, and reached for his chain-mail. "My armour doesn't shine, but it does the job." She observed him as he wearily prepared for a fight he perhaps could not win. "Good knight, what did you want to ask me?" He stared at her for a moment, then spoke after fitting his helmet. "Not now. Later..."
Princess Melinda, the invisible dragon and baby Braxton all watched silently as the brave knight exited the castle courtyard. He mounted a fine steed, then crossed beyond the castle ramparts via the moat drawbridge. They could hear his horse's hoof-steps galloping forth. The dragon could feel baby Braxton's soul urging him to follow. "Precious child, perhaps you should not witness this."
The sounds had changed to a far-off battle. The clashing of swords, and the panicked whinnying of terrified horses. Princess Melinda's hand went to her mouth as the fight wore on endlessly. "Dear Lord, please bring him back to me!"
The sounds of conflict seemed to crescendo, but then very suddenly fell silent.
The dragon could no longer contain his curiosity. "Close your eyes for a moment, little child. This may not be nice." He swooped out over the high walls of the castle. After a few moments the good knight's fine steed appeared, trotting riderless back to the castle. For reasons the dragon and Braxton could never understand, the knight was plodding along the road, muttering to himself in his heavy, battered armour. "While she is on my watch, everything will be alright."
Several moments later princess Melinda saw her exhausted knight return to the courtyard. She watched in silence as he removed his helmet and chain-mail, then wiped his bloody sword. "He wont come again."
She didn't ever want to know what had happened. But she felt as though everything was different now, with this fine knight by her side. "Good Sir Knight, what were you going to ask me?"The memory of his question cleared the grey clouds from his mind. His eyes shone like the sun as he found the courage to speak. "Princess Melinda, will you marry me?"
The invisible dragon and baby Braxton watched from above as she ran and threw her arms around her brave knight. As the dragon beat his enormous wings to fly the young babe back into his own time, the two lovers kissed, and their kissing became more and more passionate. The dragon grinned an invisible grin. "Precious child, perhaps you should not witness this."
Randy and Melinda are alive an well. Braxton is due in February 2015.

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