Ryn magic

Jena tugged at the invisible dragon's scaly ear. "Come and see. Ryn is making magic happen!"
The young dragon had not expected this news. "What kind of magic, good fairy godmother?"
Her eyes sparkled, and her voice tinkled like a melody on a piano. "The whole family is caught up in his spells..."

The little fairy perched behind one of the dragon's ears, and they flew to a house near a mountain by a river, not far from a city. Unlike some other times, the dragon knew the way. No need for a map.

Peering in one of the windows, the invisible dragon was very confused. "Where is everyone?"
Jena nudged him with a barely perceptible fairy nudge. "Look closer, great friend."
He heard a lot of buzzing going on. Slowly, he realized four tiny specks were buzzing all around the house. "They are all bees. Who did this?"
Jena was very proud of how well she was doing as a fairy godmother. "Our little Ryn. He brings magic to the whole family. Look at Thea! She loves being a bee."
Thea, who had only just learned to walk a little, was absolutely joyous about flying.
A thought occured to the dragon about exactly what this all meant. "Will they stay this way forever? Am I going to be taking two little bees flying around the world?"
Fairy godmother wisdom is very perceptive. "Ryn magic will lead them beyond being bees. Let's come back again soon."

So a few weeks later the tiny fairy godmother and the enormous invisible dragon were both hovering once again outside the window of the house by a mountain. The scene inside was all squawking and feathers. "He turned them into parrots?"
Jena giggled at her invisible friend's stupefaction. "Something for his mother."
The dragon soon understood. Franki's plumage streamed with rainbow light. "Wow." Then an afterthought. "Will Ryn magic keep her a beautiful parakeet forever?"
Jena was just as enchanted by Franki as the dragon. "It would be nice. Let's come back soon."

On their next visit, the dragon giggled loudly the moment he and Jena looked in the window. "Dogs! Pawsington Dogs!"
When the little fairy laughed out loud, the sound was something like a piano sonata by Debussy or Mendelssohn. "That looks like fun."
Thea was nursing a little soft-toy pup with Franki showing her how. Ryn was yapping at his father to play, while David was busy scratching and licking himself voraciously.

The dragon looked at Jena. "You've done a wonderful job, little fairy. Ryn brings magic into all their lives."
She ran a tiny hand over one of the dragon's invisible scales. "I had good help."

Franki had gently snaffled Ryn behind the scruff of the neck, and was giving him a shake. Then she began barking softly. "Everyone, let's get back to normal and go into town." **

The Pawsington family didn't know that a fairy and an invisible dragon witnessed them all transform back into their regular human form. They didn't know as they drove into the city by a river that the invisible dragon and the fairy godmother were tracing their route in the skies above. They didn't know that the invisible dragon was swooping around them during their day out in the city.
However they certainly did know that Ryn magic was transforming the life they shared as a family into something very, very special.

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