The Adviser

The Magician took a seat in the cafe, and sent a text message. "I'm sitting in the window, near the entrance. See you soon"
Across the street, his son the Invisible Dragon perched on the roof of the Greek church. Father and son shared a quick grin through the window.

The Adviser arrived. The Magician stood up to greet her. "Thank you for coming"
She had come to talk business, a special kind of business: Wisdom. When we infuse knowledge with love we get ...wisdom.

She led the conversation. "The first question we have to answer is... Who am I?"
The magician recognized immediately the special magic behind such a question. "Wisdom sits behind such questions."
He observed for a moment how the eyes of the Adviser sparkled when she spoke. "Before we begin, it is wiser to understand who and what we are." He realized she had brought her own special brand of magic to him.

Moments later the waitress interrupted them. "My apologies, but this table is reserved. Would you mind moving?"
The magician disguised his disappointment. "No. We understand." He threw a glance towards his dragon son perched on the roof.

As they disappeared a few feet further into the cafe the dragon realized what his father's glance meant. "No! No! No! How can I spy on you both if you go inside?" He flitted here and there, then settled in a niche in a very old building across from the cafe, from where he could just make them out at their new table. If he squinted.

His father was enchanted how the Adviser led the conversation here and there. They passed through many questions about knowledge and love, until she led them to wisdom. "I see you ...on stage."
The Magician felt a surge of emotion, and smiled. "My father was an actor in Vienna, many years ago."

From his perch across the street, the Dragon's mystical eyes witnessed an amazing sight. Colours began to form around the Magician, and take the shape of a man. Another spirit seemed to have encircled his father. The spirit began to strut and fret, and make speeches, and throw deliberate double-takes. The spirit of an actor had deftly entered the room. And every supra-conscious being in the room was soon in its thrall.

Again the Adviser steered the conversation in new directions. "I will leave it up to you. Send me a message, and tell me what you want to do next."
The Magician kept his focus on her words. "You will hear from me, soon."

She departed, to return from whence she came. The Magician crossed the street and beckoned the Dragon to come to him. His invisible son flitted down, and craned his neck so that his father could scramble onto his shoulders. Cloaked by the Dragon's invisibility, they rose together into the Vienna sky.

In the face of his father's thoughtfulness, the young dragon's childish impatience soon got the better of him. "Well? What did she say? What happened in there?"
Young curiosity always pleased the magician. "She suggested a return to the stage."
The dragon was so overjoyed to hear this, he did a wild loop-the-loop in the air. His father held on tight. "So you are going to act again, good father! I saw you thoughts, shaped like an actor, dancing around you in the cafe and filled with wonderful colours!".

The flight had smoothed out again, smooth enough for the Magician to pat the scaly invisible neck of his son. "I'm glad you are pleased by this news. But those colours, that spirit, they were not my thoughts..."
The Dragon unconsciously drew to a halt in mid-air. "Not your thoughts? Then what was that?"

His father's gaze strayed over the landscape below, and into the distance. "My father, the old Viennese actor, he was spying on us from much further away than across the street. He couldn't resist immediately showing me how it's done, like he always used to when I was a boy."
His son was completely surprised, and cocked his head sideways. First left, then right. "All those colours? All that emotion and power? That was my grandfather?"

His magical father pondered the moment. "Yes. My new Adviser has a special kind of magic. With so little knowledge she awoke in me a love buried deep in my childhood. A sign of great wisdom. She is a unusually wise woman."

The Adviser is alive and well and living in Vienna

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