
Franki watched her boy Ryn learning to crawl. "Now you've just gotta figure out how to roll back onto your tummy and you'll be rolling around the house!! Then crawling, walking ...and flying, right?"

Far above, the dragon smiled, happy to know that Ryn's mother believed that her son could one day fly like a dragon.

Others in the mystical world also realized what she was thinking, but they didn't see it so lightly. The Ancient Ones, holders of the ancient mystical wisdom that fills our universe with love, were concerned about such matters.

They summoned Jena the fairy godmother. The youngest of the Ancient Ones, a magician named Melchior, spoke first. "Jena, you have a sacred role in the universe. You know the art of the fairy godmother, to bring fantasy to the souls of children, so they let love flow easily through the universe. What do you think of this invisible dragon? Does he understand his sacred role?"
Jena felt so intimidated in the shining presence of the Ancient Ones. She was already so tiny, and she felt even smaller now. She summoned up all her courage, and her voice sounded like a melody played on an upright piano. "I know him so little. For him the art of leading a child's soul toward the world of magic is almost unknown. Ancient Ones, you taught me the art of being a fairy godmother. No-one taught him anything. But he does good things, taking the boy flying, sharing new journeys and adventures. This is what I know." She wondered if she had given a good answer.

The Ancient Ones were silent for a few minutes. A sultry woman's voice, an enchantress name Tryx, spoke next. "His mother dreams that perhaps one day Ryn will fly like a dragon. Did you know this?"
Jena was dismayed. The art of the fairy godmother is to inspire the soul of the child, not the parents. She had wondered many times before if the dragon would make a mistake like this. "I did not know. I speak the truth, I would have come to you immediately had I known."
Again the silence. Had she failed, in the eyes of the Ancient Ones? She heard a creaky, old man's voice speak to the group. "Why are we speaking to the good fairy? Is it not the dragon we need to see, to resolve our question?" Murmurs of agreement. Jena was relieved that she was no longer the centre of attention.

Tryx called to Melchior. "Summon the dragon, good magician."
Jena saw Melchior and some of the other magicians give Tryx a bemused look. "Good enchantress, the dragon often does not come when summoned. He is a little headstrong, or perhaps hard of hearing."
Tryx was even more concerned now. "We have an invisible dragon who does not respond when summoned by the Ancient Ones? And he is godfather for the child? We must see him urgently!"
Jena tried to help. "I will get him, good enchantress..."
Tryx dismissed her offer with a wave of her left hand. "Thank you, but I prefer our ways. Good magician, the spell please."
Melchior was a little dismayed. He never wanted to cast a spell that paid no attention to the free will of its subject. But he knew Tryx was right. They had to see the dragon right now. He raised his hands, and spoke. "Dragon... be here, now!"

The dragon was doing lazy loop-the-loops over a small lake in the mountains. The sun was shining, and he hadn't a care in the world. He felt a little guilty that he had not taken Ryn riding somewhere in a while, and promised himself he would do that soon. Then he went back to enjoying the sun and the air and the trees and the mountains. A beautiful day...
Which was suddenly interrupted by the strangest feeling. The dragon felt a force surround him, and mysteriously the lake and the mountains began to vanish. He had no idea what was happening, including why he felt no fear. He thought he must be dreaming, when he heard a voice that sounded like a melody played on a piano. "Dragon, we are in the presence of the Ancient Ones!"
The dragon was still confused by what was happening. "Hello, good Jena. The Ancient who?"

A titanic voice thundered at the dragon. Mars had little patience compared to the rest. "Why do you not come when summoned, dragon? Do you think you are above the wisdom of the universe?"
The dragon realized where he was, and that he must answer from his heart. He search for the face of Mars in the light, and spoke directly to him. "The Ancient Ones taught me that free will is the highest form of magic. I am, I always was, and always will be an invisible dragon. I am free, even when you summon me."

Mars was silent, and satisfied. The only answer that ever satisfied his fiery nature was an answer from a worthy challenger. He nodded to Tryx, who spoke next. "Dragon, did you ever speak to Ryn's parents, let them know you really exist?"
The dragon thought carefully, and answered truthfully. "No, good enchantress. I took them flying in a dream once, that's all. No harm in that, is there?"

Melchior could see the dragon's intentions were good. "Do you know Ryn's mother now dreams that one day her boy will fly like a dragon?"
The dragon was overjoyed. "Great, I'll fly with him, and we'll..."
His joy was cut short by the enormous uproar that erupted amongst the Ancient Ones. The dragon looked at Jena, who knew the dragon's invisible face looked very serious. "Have I done something wrong?"
She whispered to him. "Good friend, a fairy godmother or godfather never inspires the parents. Just the child, we only lead the child to fantasy and magic and fairytales. This is my art. I am a fairy godmother."

The dragon knew how serious breaking the arts of the Ancient Ones was. Love flows in the universe only by mystical creatures practicing the arts of the Ancient Ones. To break one of the arts, love may not flow. "But... I didn't know..."
Jena could feel the dragon's heart. A small painful dot of fear appeared there. She resolved to stay by the dragon, no matter what comes. "Face your fears, dragon. I will stay with you through this. We are both godparents to the boy."
The dragon was grateful this tiny fairy could guide him in the darkness of fear. He faced the uproar within the Ancient Ones, knowing he was to blame.

Some of the Ancient Ones were seriously ancient. Many had lived for thousands of years. One of the oldest was Chronos, who had had suggested they must summon and address the dragon to resolve this issue. 

He walked forward to look more closely at the invisible dragon, and spoke with a creaky, old man's voice. "I remember you, dragon."
The dragon too had so many countless memories of his young days spent with this old man. Good, happy memories of simple, mystical times between grandfather and grandson. "I remember you too, Chronos."
The rest of the Ancient Ones had quieted, wondering what the wise old man was doing, trying to understand what he was looking for. 

He continued to gaze at the dragon, while he told all in attendance a story. "I remember this dragon as a boy. Not the headstrong, powerful, invisible beast before us now. A gentle, playful, beautiful green-scaled child dragon. He was so obedient, so willing to serve us. So wanting to follow a path like one of us. He wanted to be like you, Melchior." The magician was surprised to hear the dragon had looked up to him as a boy. "This dragon is not the boy he was. He is not what I wanted him to become, a mascot for our mysticism." The old man and the dragon gazed at each other, as if no time had passed since those days. "He has followed his own path, chosen invisibility and a life in a world where magic and fantasy are relegated to the unreal. Strange choices. Not my choices. Not the choices any of us would make. He made them of his own free will."

Jena tried to help. "I can teach him the art, Chronos."
His creaky old man's voice was firmer and stronger as his understanding grew. "Perhaps the Ancient Ones will ask you to do this. But I do not."
Tryx called out to him. "Why Chronos? She will teach him well. He needs to know the art, or we must ask him to step out of Ryn's life!"

The dragon felt so dismayed by her words. Although he never knew what the right thing was to do, he liked caring for the soul of Ryn. Chronos questioned the invisible dragon. "You don't do that much for young Ryn, do you, invisible dragon?"
The twinge of guilt that dragon had felt earlier today by the lake returned. "No, good Chronos. Hardly at all. A flight here and there."
Chronos called back to Tryx. "He keeps his distance, good enchantress. Perhaps this is a
good thing..."
The old man was silent for longer, as was everyone. Again he muttered to himself. "Perhaps this is a good thing..."

It took a long time, until the right words came to Chronos. "The dreams of Ryn's mother will be meaningless, if Ryn knows his own will. Just like my wishes for this dragon were meaningless, in the face of his invisible will. Ryn has a godfather in this dragon, who can teach him to live his will. It matters not if the dragon accidentally inspires the parents, while he brings free will to the soul of the boy. If we are to be wise, we do not need to take the dragon from their lives. Wisdom demands we pay more attention. Perhaps this is a good thing..."

Tryx began to understand, but she wanted to know the art of a fairy godparent would not be set aside. "Jena, good fairy, can you bring fantasy and magic to Ryn with this dragon as your partner?"
Jena didn't think her resolve to stay by the dragon would be tested so soon. She had no idea if she could do this, but she spoke without hesitation over her fears. "Yes, good enchantress. I know the art well."

None of the Ancient Ones were really sure if there was wisdom in the path Chronos had suggested. Melchior particularly. He was also still troubled that he had had to summon the dragon with a spell. He never wanted to do this again... which gave him an idea. "Dragon, of your own free will, will you come when we summon you? Always, and immediately? No 'dragon free will' getting in the way of our requests?"
The dragon remembered why he had always respected Melchior. "Immediately, good magician. Of my own free will."
Everyone was happy with the invisible dragon's answer. Except Mars, who wanted more of a challenge, but he kept this to himself.

Chronos returned to the group, and the Ancient Ones discussed and deliberated the issue. Many of them walked forward like the old man had, to ponder the dragon, and the fairy godmother by his side.
Slowly the discussion faded. The light of the Ancients Ones' wisdom shone brightly, and they acted accordingly. 

Tryx walked forward to address the dragon. "Go, good dragon. Inspire the child. We will pay attention to what you do." 

As the Ancient Ones began to fade away, and the dragon saw the mountains and lake reappear, he heard her voice call again. "And come to us, the moment we summon you."

Chapter 6: The long journey

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