Isabel's first spell

Isabel had brought a little book of love spells earlier that day, and was trying her hand at casting a spell. Following the instructions, she wrote out her wish on a little paper card...

May I meet my knight across space and time
To find our Shangri-La and share love divine.

…then she watched as she burned the paper in a candle flame. The little book had told her to do so.

Later that night she lay down to sleep, with her heart floating on the emotions of casting her first spell. Tomorrow would be a busy day, many things to do… 


She woke up flying on the back of the invisible dragon. He craned his neck back towards her to explain the situation. "Good morning Isabel! I hope you slept well. My father, the magician, has asked me to guide you along the path of casting your first magic spell."
Isabel rubbed her eyes, and shook her head a moment in disbelief. This was not exactly the tomorrow she had expected. "Good Dragon, is this a dream?"
He called back to her while zooming across the skies. "No, we are in the middle of the magic you have in your heart. Which when you think about it, is a bit like being in a dream." 
She could tell he was grinning by the smile in his voice. "You are flying very fast. Where a we going?"
He began to bank left and downwards. "Camelot! You have a date with a knight!"

They descended through a dense cloud bank, until a magnificent castle surrounded by lush green fields appeared below them. 
Isabel saw a bright flash of light atop one of the castle bastions, and her intuition told her immediately what it was. Sunlight reflecting from his shining armor. "Dragon, that's him! Take us down, please."
The dragon set down gently at the edge of the bastion, and whispered. "He can't see you, because you are cloaked by my invisibility. When you dismount, you will appear to his eyes."

She did so, and watched as the knight slowly lifted his visor in disbelief. "Magical lady, who are you who has appeared before me? Are you a witch? An enchantress?"
She felt an enormous rush of emotions gazing at his face. "My name is Isabel." Her heart was pounding too fast to say more.
The knight in his shining armor kneeled as he spoke. "I am Lancelot of the round table, good lady Isabel."
She searched for words, but could think only of her spell from the evening before. "Come with me to Shangri-La."

The invisible dragon was observing proceedings from his little spot at the edge of the bastion, and chuckled to himself. Now comes the interesting part!
The brave knight Lancelot felt his heart pounding too. "Where is Shangri-La? How do we get there?"
In the middle of all her emotions Isabel was suddenly flummoxed. "I… I don't know!"
The dragon could no longer control himself and giggled. Through the giggles, he managed to speak. "Isabel, let me tell you about magic…"

At the sound of a third voice, Lancelot tensed and drew his sword. "Laughing foolish spirit! Reveal yourself!"
Isabel stared for a moment, then realized she must explain. "Sheathe your sword, brave knight. I flew here on an invisible dragon, who is standing on this bastion with us. He is a friend."
The knight stood firm until her words became clear in his mind, then returned his sword to its scabbard. 
The invisible dragon called out from above. "Actually I'm no longer on the bastion. I'm flying above you well out of reach of that very sharp and deadly looking sword he just waved at me!"

Isabel called up to him. "Please come down again, good friend. Tell me what you had to say about magic."
The dragon explained the situation as he landed. "Magic is very powerful. You can't leave out important details. How do I get to a mystical, fabled land like Shangri-La? That's an important detail. You have to know exactly what you want before you cast."

Lancelot looked as Isabel. "May I speak with your friend?" Seeing her nod, he continued. "Great dragon! We have a powerful sorcerer here in Camelot, by the name of Merlin. Can our sorcerer help this beautiful lady, in her difficulty?"
The dragon had an invisible smile on his face, though no-one could actually see it. "He already has, excellent knight. Merlin and my father the magician got together to work out a few of the kinks and bumps in Isabel's magic spell, before sending me to bring her to you."

Isabel looked down shamefaced and scuffed at the gravel. "It was my first spell. I didn't really know what I was doing..."
The dragon encouraged her with the truth. "You did really well, precious Isabel. Most people's first try at casting a spell ends up with nothing more than a frog on the front stoop the next morning." He was relieved to see her smile. "Look around you. You did this. This is your magic world."

The sun shone down on them, and Isabel realized she had done a very good thing.

The good knight Lancelot addressed the dragon. "Great invisible and wise beast, do you know how to find this place called Shangri-La?"
The invisible dragon took a sudden liking to this brave knight who had called him wise. "Yes, and if you get rid of that heavy armor and the sharp pointy sword, we can leave when you are ready!"


  1. Love it! I want to know what happens next? :) Thank you so much it's made my day. :)

    1. The bit where the dragon speaks and Lancelot tries to fight him cracks me up every time! :-D x

    2. Me too... and the dragon chickening out and flying off makes me smile... Kind of a sensible thing for him to do, but it makes me giggle :-)
