Magical Childhood

She had a magical childhood. Her parents built a happy home, and filled it with love. A simple life, but always with good food on the table, and gifts of laughter for each other.
Her parents were older, they passed on soon after she was married. Her husband was kind and gentle, but not so much passion for life. With an early retirement package he effectively retired from life, staying at home to play with their daughter. They parted amicably, exchanging Christmas presents every year and ensuring their daughter had a magical childhood too.
So by her early middle years she was alone, living a life that was filled with adventure. Her daughter knew she was exceptional. But children rebel, and rebel the daughter did.
Her daughter became obsessed with a local celebrity, an androgynous popstar who lived an exotic life at the edge of society. She began to dress like him, talk like him, copy his narcissistic, hedonistic lifestyle. She was determined to get to know him, and with persistence soon she was part of his entourage. Her friends nicknamed her 'the groupie'. Once she was in his inner circle, she talked to him about many things, and copied his attitudes to life, art and sexuality.
Her mother watched with concern at this new path in her daughter's life. She listened as her daughter began to denigrate her life, saying how ordinary she was compared to the fascinating, exotic narcissism of the popstar. The daughter displayed all the signs of having been led completely astray, talking about relationships with men as if she had all the experience of a woman, when in reality she was still a late teenager.
The mother knew the art of parenthood. Allow the child to fall, so they learn the boundaries of their sensual world, and their physical limits. Allow the child to follow their own path, so that they find the boundaries of their soul, and their emotional limits.
The daughter grew into a young woman. She became more interested in men, and lost interest in the now-faded popstar. She fell in and out of love, nothing to serious, then the desire for children began to rise. She met a new man, one with whom she saw all her dreams of family becoming real. She began to talk with him about the future with him, and as her old led-astray attitudes about men from her teenage years resurface…
…her man left the relationship.
She cried for days, in the arms of her mother. The child falls, cuts her knee. The parent wipes away the tears, cleans the wound, kisses everything better. Then sends the child out to play another day.
"How did you fall?"
"He left me…"
"Come here, let me hold you. Wipe away your tears. Where does it hurt?"
"I don't understand…"
"We can fix that, we can heal the wounds. Did you love him?"
"Yes, mama."
The mother knew all the right answers, and all the right questions. She healed all the pain, kissed everything better, and sent her daughter out to play again in the world of boys… Knowing one of those boys was in reality a knight in shining armor.
One day, many years later, she laughed together with her daughter about the ups and downs of their past, while they together bandaged the knew of her beautiful granddaughter, and kissed everything better.

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