Older Brother

The dragon was looping the loop, over and over again. Jena the fairy godmother could sense his joy, and went to see what all the fuss was about.

"You're in a merry mood today, good dragon." Her voice tinkled like a gentle child tapping at a piano keyboard. "Tell me, what brings you so much joy this day?"
The dragon was circling over and under Jena, in a big loop. He hovered above her, flying upside down for a moment. "Have you heard? Ryn's parents will have another child!"

Jena already knew, but she was very interested in how the dragon would react to this news. Her journey as co-godparent with this unusual invisible dragon had been a new experience for her. The dragon always surprised her with his un-fairy godmother-ish ways, the way he stumbled through being the spiritual parent for a human boy child. "My invisible friend, it is wonderful news. What do you think it means for Ryn?"
The dragon continued zooming around. "I don't know, I guess he will now be an older brother to someone!" Nothing could stop the feeling of joy coursing through the dragon's veins.

Jena wondered what the dragon would do. "Will you take them both flying now, good dragon? Ryn and his younger brother or sister?"
The invisible dragon halted in midair, and was very quiet for a long moment. Then he spoke. "What is it best I do, good fairy? What would the ancient ones say?"
The little fairy floated up next to the dragon, and whispered in his invisible ear. "What does your heart tell you is right, great invisible dragon? Your heart has led you well with Ryn so far, what does your heart say now?"

The dragon stopped for a moment, and literally listened to the sound of his heart beat. One soft thump, gently following one another. A peaceful sound. "Ryn will let me know what is best."

Jena drifted around to the dragon's other invisible ear, and whispered again. "Have you taken the boy flying lately?"
The dragon thought for a moment. "Maybe I'll do that now."
He took off, and flew south, to the house near a mountain, by a river, near a city...

Epilogue: Jena's day off

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