Dreams beyond measure

A thought was drifting around the mind of the invisible dragon. I wonder if Christina BraveStar wants to go on an adventure with me today? Perhaps now was a good time to visit her on her dream island. 

Flying over the wide blue ocean, he spotted the island of her tropical dreams in the distance. He made a few circles overhead, gazing down at the green leafy interior and the white beach sands. A crystalline, perfect haven for dreams…

…with no dreamer. No sign of Christina BraveStar anywhere, not even a belgian chocolate wrapper.

The invisible dragon felt disappointed. He flew home to speak with his father, the magician.

The magician was always pleased when his far-adventuring son paid him a visit. "Welcome home my son. What wonderful things bring you to me on this fine day?" 
The dragon nuzzled his father in greeting. "I have a question that troubles me, good father. I went to visit Christina BraveStar on her dream island… and she is not there! What happened to her?"
The magician gave his son a good scratch under his invisible chin. "Trouble yourself not, excellent young dragon. All is well."
His son enjoyed the scratch, but was still curious. "But what happened to her?"
The situation had a simple explanation. "She fell out of her dream, that's all."
A puzzled expression appeared on the young dragon's invisible face. "Fell out of her dream? How? Why?"

The magician knew his son found it difficult to understand the human experience, in the same way that humans find it difficult to understand the dragon experience. 

A patient explanation was in order. "Magic is free will in its highest form. She chose of her own free will, not to live out her tropical dreams."
For the dragon, this idea seemed absurd. "But… Why? The warm sun, the white sands, the beautiful food, as much belgian chocolate as she can eat without ever putting on weight… Why would she turn away from all this?"

The magician mused over his son's questions, attempting to form an explanation. After a moment, he responded. "Why did you choose invisibility? You were such a beautiful, green-scaled baby dragon. When you would chortle at me, you were a picture of natural beauty." 
The dragon's mood became very serious. "I am, I always was, and I always will be an invisible dragon."
For a moment the magician was caught in memories his visible baby son. After a pause, he spoke gently. "And of your own free will, you vanished forever from my sight. I respect your decision, but still today I ask myself… Why? "

A moment of silence descended, while understanding flowed into the dragon's consciousness. "Where is she now?"
The magician's eyes brightened, because an adventure lay ahead. "Let me climb on your shoulders. We will go to see her."

So they flew across the sky, with the magician cloaked by the invisibility of the dragon. Arriving over Missouri, they descended toward the house of Christina BraveStar. "Do you see her?"
The dragon peered down from the heavens. "Yes."

Christina BraveStar was having a normal, crazy day. And thinking out loud as usual. "Time to go chase the kids around the bayou…" 
She left the house, shaking her mobile phone as if it was broken. "Does anyone else have trouble with their phone leaving stuff out, or did someone just do VooDoo to mine?"
She banged the phone in a vain attempt to remedy the problem. "There's a TV show where one of the characters says something like 'I repel technology' …I think that's me." 
The magician cast a small spell. She looked at her phone. "Hey, it's fixed!"
She called a good friend to chat about dinner plans. "Tonight: BBQ shrimp. Last night: seafood gumbo, boiled shrimp & crawfish. Tomorrow: seafood poboys. I only eat like this one week a year!"

Watching a normal, crazy day in the life of Christina BraveStar had put an invisible smile on the face of the dragon. "She's having fun."
The magician patted his son's enormous neck, as the hovered in the sky. "Yes, my boy."

The invisible dragon began to understand, however a gap still existed. "But her dreams. Where are they?"
It was a bright sunny afternoon, perfect for sightseeing. "I'll show you later this evening. Let's look around."
Together they flew over the wide flat lands of the American south. The view from above was breathtaking. The sun went down, and the people below began their evening rituals. Food and drink, wine and stories, games and theatre. Cajun culture.

Late in the evening the magician returned them to their purpose. "Fly over the house of Christina BraveStar again, good dragon."

In a few moments the dragon was hovering above. "I see her." She was seated at her desk, typing on a computer. "What is she doing?"
The magician gave a wide sweep of his arm, and a vision appeared in front of the invisible dragon. Immortals crossing the boundaries of space and time. "She is writing. Amazing stories, to share with others."

The dragon gazed at the vision. It was drenched with human emotion. Passion and fear, strength and courage, love and hate, chance and destiny. The gamut of the human experience poured out of every moment. "This is wonderful. This is real magic."

They lingered in the air, gazing at the magical story world of Christina BraveStar. Rich dreams, beyond all measure.

After a time, the magician gave a wave of his hand and the vision vanished. 

They set a course for home, and he chatted to his son. "She is a direct descendant of Johann Sebastian Bach. And American Indian as well... She inherited such a deep musical and spiritual heritage, but chose instead to be a writer. Her own free will, in its highest form. The magic is in her writing."
Christina BraveStar is alive and well and living in Missouri

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