A Child of the Sun

The invisible dragon flew back to the desert near Santa Fe, to seek the invisible dragon tamer. He found her where he had first met her, near to a small peaceful lake, seated cross-legged by the reeds. Her flowing blond locks sparkled bright in the sun.

He lit on the shore to lap at the clean waters, then stared into the sun with closed eyes, enjoying the moment. 

She could see him in her heart and her dreams, and called to him. "I'm glad you have come back, my fantastic friend."
He waited a few moments, unsure of whether to ask the questions that pervaded his mind. "I had to come back. You didn't answer my question..."

She remembered. "You want to know what I mean by 'tame an invisible dragon'...?” 

He had more. "And all my other questions about you! Are there others like me? Do you know other invisible dragons? You seem to know so much…" 

She gazed at the dragon, "seeing" him clearly through the shape his emotions carved out of the ether. "Can we fly together again, good friend? I want to show you something, and flying with you is faster."
He lowered his head a little, and she scrambled onto his shoulders, immediately cloaked by his invisibility. With a beat of his enormous wings they rose into the air.
She chatted with him while they soared across the sky. "I have never been afraid of being human… of revealing my weaknesses as readily as my strengths. I speak sincerely about my feelings, those that are precious and beautiful and those that are unpleasant. I hide very little. It is a part of who and what I am. I do it in hopes that my words might reach that one person who has felt so very alone, for so very long because they thought they were the only person in the world who felt that way or had those thoughts."
The dragon began to understand. "I feel a kind of aloneness, not knowing if other invisible dragons exist. My father the magician thinks you know where other invisible dragons may be."

She smiled, glad that her intuition had led her down this path. "And what will happen to you, the day you meet another invisible dragon?" 

He was silent, so she prompted him to look within. 

"Think with your heart. It is the place where passion and reason meet to define your destiny."

The dragon suddenly halted in mid-flight, to ponder the possibilities. After several moments he responded. "Everything will be different then. Everything will change for me."

She patted his shoulder to encourage him to fly onward. "My goal is to let others in transition know they are not alone and there is a light at the end of the tunnel." 

The invisible dragon felt like the dragon tamer had just answered all his questions about her, even though she had not.

They flew a little further in silence before she continued. "It is time, I believe, for me to move on with my life. By my estimation, I have lived less than half of my life. There is so much ahead of me to experience and to share. Life is all about impermanence; and change occurs constantly. I have already experienced an incredible amount of change; but I know there is a lot more headed my way."

This news emptied his mind of questions about other dragons. "What will happen to you? Will we still be able to fly together?"
She let out a little giggle. "Yes, of course! Look down there." She pointed to a small city below. "This place is called Taos. My new home."
He gazed down, wondering what her new life would be like. "Why do you need to move here, good dragon tamer?"
Her answer was more about why a place like Taos needs people like her. "I want to become a child of the sun."
As they flew back to the lake through the afternoon sunlight, she mused a little more about her dreams for the future. "The next few months will be a very important time for me.  I have reason to believe that what I will be going through between now and the end of summer will affect virtually every area of my life for years to come.  I want to make the most of it all by giving it my full attention."

The dragon was not sure if this was good news for him. "In all of these changes in you life, will you still have time to come flying with me?"
She was touched by his affection for her. "Yes. I want to “see” you again."
His question popped back into his mind. "Will you ever explain what you mean by 'tame an invisible dragon'…?"
She looked out over the stunning landscape below and into the never ending clear blue sky. "We have better ways to spend our time, my fantastic friend. I told you when we first met: You don't need to be tamed! So I don't need to explain."

They landed next to the lake surrounded by reeds. She dismounted and appeared in front of him again. "Come back again, great dragon. When the time is right."
The invisible dragon began to rise into the sky, then called back to her. "When is the right time?"
She smiled up at him. "You will know... In the interim, do this for me, please: Live Free. Be Happy. And know that you are never, ever alone."

As he flew onward into the afternoon sun, her words repeated in his very invisible mind. You are never, ever alone.

And then, like a whisper carried on the breeze, he realized something.

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