The Steering Wheel

It was a bad day. He was in a bad mood. His emotional signals were all showing 'bad' as he fumed to himself, stuck in a traffic jam on his way to work. In a moment of pure frustration, David thumped the steering wheel.
The invisible dragon landed on the roof of the car with a thump. "You need a day off, old friend."
David looked around dumbfounded. He felt himself floating up, up, up through the roof of the car, until he was gently seated on the dragon's enormous invisible shoulders. "But I'm on my way to work, good dragon."
As the dragon spread his wings and lifted into the air, he queried such a thing. "Why?"
The man who had moments before been sitting frustrated in a traffic jam took a breath, as the breathtaking view of Brisbane from the air spread out beneath them. "Because I am a teacher, great dragon."
The dragon who had moments before been sitting on the roof of a car in a traffic jam took a great sweeping turn over the city, and turned to cross the great vastness of the southern land. "Why?"
The mind of the man who had moments before accepted his frustration took a great sweeping turn, as the deserts of the great southern land passed below. "Because I have a knowledge the feeds the hunger of those who want to lean, old friend."
The invisible wings of the dragon who had moments before been carrying a frustrated man across the skies beat slowly, propelling them further, farther and higher. "Why?"
The face of the man whose thoughts were suddenly reaching further, farther and higher began to shine like the sun. "Because I once had that same hunger. Because I learned, sometimes with a teacher, sometimes without, and became a master."
The flight of the dragon seemed now to be lit by another kind of light, other than the light of the sun shining on the great southern land. "Why?"
The light within the man who was on his way to work projected images of his life, onto a seemingly imaginary screen in front of them. The images began to flow together and animate, telling the story of the man. "Because I love to tell stories. Because I love music, and acting. Because I love to make movies."
The invisible wings of the dragon now projected them beyond the great southern land. "Why?"
The man who loved movie making saw the world from beyond its former boundaries. "Because it is what animates me, great dragon. Beyond a job, beyond a profession, doing this brings me to life."
The invisible dragon flew down, down, down and moments later landed with a thump on the roof of a car stuck in a traffic jam. "Then you had better get to work, old friend."
It was a good day. He was in a good mood. His emotional signals were all showing 'good' as he mused to himself, stuck in a traffic jam on his way to work. In a moment of pure realization, David thumped the steering wheel.

David is alive and well and living in Brisbane

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