Christina BraveStar

The magician and the invisible dragon spotted her lazing about on the warm beach of a tropical island. "Descend, good dragon. We must speak with her."
They landed on the soft white sand, and the magician greeted her while still cloaked by the dragon's invisibility. "Hello, Christina."

She was not expecting visitors. This was her dream island, and she had no reason to dream of anyone showing up unexpectedly. She was completely startled. "Who's there? Who is that? I heard a voice!"

The magician dismounted and stepped away from the cloaking effect of the dragon. He appeared before her. "You heard my voice. The Ancient Ones have a message for you."

She looked at the magician standing on the beach, wearing robes that belonged to a culture she was unfamiliar with. "I have never heard of the Ancient Ones. Who are you?"

He gestured toward his dragon son. "I am a magician, I flew here with the invisible dragon."

Christina was happy to hear the dragon had returned. "Are you back, dragon? Cool! We can go flying somewhere else if you want, after this guy is finished!"

The invisible dragon tried to keep her focussed on the situation. "Christina, the man is my father. He has an important message for you."

She was a little perplexed. "This guy is your father? Really? I thought this was my dream, don't I make the rules? I never dreamed of any father of yours…"

The magician tried not to get impatient. "Christina, this is your dream. We are just visiting for a little while, to give you a message from the Ancient Ones!"

She was still testing the limits of how much power she had. "Can I un-dream you being here, if I want...?"

The magician and the invisible dragon looked at each other, and shook their heads. The dragon tried to explain. "No matter what you dream, no matter what you believe, when the Ancient Ones want to give you a message… You always get the message. The Ancient Ones ensure that love flows through the universe. How you interpret their message is up to you..."

Christina surveyed the soft white sands of her dream tropical island, and turned over what the dragon had said. I'm in the middle of a perfect dream, and a dude on the back of a dragon has a message for me from people who bring love throughout the Universe. This is good! She grinned happily at both of them. "So, magician guy, what's the news?"

The magician gave an nod of appreciation to his dragon son for moving things forward, then delivered his message.

"The Ancient Ones have given you a new name. It reflects who you truly are, when gazed upon through the eyes of universal love. You are brave. We know this from your adventures in Europe, facing danger as a lone young woman. And you are a star. You shine when you play the central character in your stories, much more than any movie star. So, from this day, we know you as…

…Christina BraveStar."

Christina BraveStar was, for one of the few moments in her life, dumbstruck. But that didn't last long, and after a few moments she blurted out all sorts of things. "Wow! Dragon, did you hear that! Cool, huh?" She put on a movie-voice-over deep voice. "Christina BraveStar. Her continuing mission: To explore her dreams, to chill out on funky tropical islands, to boldly eat Belgian chocolate where no-one has eaten Belgian chocolate before!"

The magician whispered quietly to the invisible dragon. "Does this sort of stuff happen a lot in her dreams?" The dragon responded with a shrug of his enormous invisible shoulders.

Christina BraveStar was on a high. "Magician! You're smooth. Thanks for the message! Tell the Ancient Ones I think they are cool, and I absolutely love the new name!"

The magician disappeared as he climbed on to the shoulders of the dragon, once again cloaked by his invisibility. "I wish you great adventures, Christina BraveStar." He smiled. "However crazy they are, you will shine."

As the invisible dragon lifted off she blurted out excitedly. "Hey wait! Can I have an adventure with you, invisible dragon?"

The dragon called back. "Dream of it, and it will happen, Christina BraveStar."
Christina BraveStar is alive and well and living in Missouri

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