The red-crested robin

It was a very cold winter’s day and the invisible dragon had absolutely nothing to do. So he decided to pay a visit on his friend the red-crested robin.

He found her in not the best of moods, and she told him why immediately. “All the carer birds get together to talk about the younger birds once a week, and they squawk and tweet and cheep-cheep over each other the whole time!”
The enormous invisible dragon had once heard one of the weekly bird talks. “Yes, little friend, I know. When all the carer birds tweet at the same time, I can’t understand anything”
His little friend sighed. “I feel like I’m picking up the bad energy. It leaves me feeling low.”
Her invisible friend smiled an invisible smile. “You don’t need to worry about the other birds.” Then he remembered something he had learned from his father. “Sometimes we find out more about who we are, when we realise that we are not like other people.”

The little red-crested robin smiled a beaky little smile. The two friends talked together a while longer, until it was time to leave.
The dragon spread his enormous invisible wings. “It was lovely talking to you.”
She flitted around in front of his invisible face. “For me too.”
The both zoomed off into their lives, as the evening grew dark around them.

The dragon flew home to visit his father the magician, and as always he told of his adventures. 

After his son spoke of his encounter with the red-crested robin, the old man fell into thought for a few moments. Then his eyes lit up. “My good son, fly back to your little friend. We have a special gift for her…”

He snapped his fingers, and a little mirror appeared. His son was curious, and a little disappointed. “Good father, she is a very pretty little robin. I’m sure she has her own mirror.”
A smile appeared on his father’s face as he spoke. “This mirror is a little different. When a person feels fulfilled and happy with their lives, they see their reflection. But when they are soul searching, and they look in the mirror, they see nothing… until they understand what their soul needs, and their reflection returns.”
The dragon stared into the glass. “I can’t see my reflection! Is my soul searching for something?”
The magician frowned, and then laughed. “No, you’re invisible. It wont work for you. But it will work for your little friend…”

So the enormous dragon flew back to visit the red-crested robin. He placed the mirror carefully between two branches in the tree where she kept her nest, then watched as she flew out to see who or what was causing the rustling. 

She couldn’t see him, only the mirror which had mysteriously appeared in her tree. “What’s this?”
Her enormous friend spoke gently. “It’s a special gift from my father, good friend.”
The tiny bird gave a little start, and then recognised the voice. “Oh, it’s you, good dragon.”
After a few moments silence, the dragon spoke again. “Do you like it?”
She couldn’t keep the confusion out of the sound of her voice. “If it’s a mirror, it’s very nice, but I don’t need another one. And this mirror seems to be broken... I can’t see my reflection.”

The dragon took a few moments to explain, and his little friend listened attentively to the description of the mystical mirror. It made her curious. “So, when my soul searching is over, I will see my reflection?”

The invisible dragon spread his wings to leave. “Exactly. I’ll come to visit you again soon.”

She stared at the glass, seeing the forest behind her, and the sky and the earth. But she saw no red-crested robin in the reflection.

What was her soul looking for?

The red-crested robin is alive and well and living in Austria

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