The lovers

The invisible dragon flew along the course of a mighty river that crossed much of Europe. It was late in the evening, well after sundown, and as he passed over a long island in a city he spotted people bathing in the cool night air. Needing to rest a while, he drifted down to perch on a pontoon floating near the shore.

The 2 lovers had walked out onto the pontoon, gazing at the lights reflecting off the water. They slipped out of their clothes and using a small ladder she slipped into the water. He dived in a moment later, and the dragon watched him swim to her. Their simple joy was infectious, and soon the dragon found himself under their spell. He couldn’t take his eyes off this beautiful couple experiencing the beautiful night together in the water.

As the lovers reached the pontoon the man pulled her closer to him in the water. She whispered a few words that the invisible dragon could not hear. But they had obviously reached some kind of decision, for it was now time to reclothe and leave. 

Invisible eyes see special things that we sometimes fail to notice. The droplets of water on the lovers’ bodies glistened in the night like magical stars, clinging to the heavens. The vision made the spell over the dragon grow.

The 2 lovers walked to a nearby rail station and boarded a train. Unaware that he was acting under a spell, the dragon beat his enormous invisible wings and rose into the night sky. Forgetting his journey along the great river, he instinctively followed the train along its course. 

When the lovers exited via an underground station, the dragon felt that something had changed. He saw nothing, but could not undo the magic of the lovers enthralling his heart. He hovered in the air, unable to see that they had returned to her apartment. A deep longing to find them filled his soul, and he circled over the neighbourhood, searching in vain for a sign of them.

An invisible heart feels special things that we sometimes fail to feel. The droplets of magic from the lovers glistened in his heart like night lights guiding a plane to land at a modern airport. The spell over the dragon drew him to land on the roof of an apartment house, just above the window of the 2 lovers.

Music drifted from the window to his invisible ears. In the darkened room the man sang to her, simple songs that were as beautiful as the woman laying on the bed next to him. Entranced, the dragon listened as the light of a waxing moon passed though his invisible body unencumbered.

When the music stopped the dragon felt a little lost. He craned his long invisible neck down toward the window and realised immediately that it was very late and they had fallen asleep. With his soul spellbound from their magic he could not decide if he should fly onwards.

Invisible ears hear special things that we sometimes fail to hear. The droplets of time in this moment made a ticking sound that glistened like stars…

...which suddenly seemed to halt. The spell of the dragon reached its peak in a moment beyond space and time.

The dragon did not know that she would leave for another land in a few hours. The dragon did not know he was under a spell. The dragon did not know why he could hear the man make a wish in this moment beyond space and time.

“Bring her back to me.”

But the dragon knew magic. His father, the magician, had brought him magical moments every day of his young life. The great invisible beast felt the powerful invisible magic which had captured his heart flow through the window to surround the woman.and then flow deep into her soul. Wherever she went, whatever she did, she would be safe, protected by a special magic. 

It was a beautiful night for flying. The moon hovering over the river cast a yellow glow, reminding the dragon of his unfinished adventure. With a beat of his wings he ascended into a cloudless sky, leaving the lovers to dream.

The 2 lovers are alive and well and living in Vienna.

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