The Potion

The young dragon had never experienced a portal across time before. He felt as though he was completely still, as though time was not moving, and yet he could see and sense that the entire Universe was shifting around him. After a moment, which was a moment like all eternity existing at once, he appeared on a new world. "Satine? Angel? Please tell me I found you!"

A voice, which seemed to be zooming past, spoke to him. "Where did you come from?"
A land with a strange flying voice seemed to be a wrong turn, and he did not know what to do next. He called out to the seeming nothingness. "I don't know where I am. If anyone can hear me… have you seen an Angel, and an invisible dragon with emerald green eyes?"

To his surprise, many voices answered in a chatter. 
"Green Eyes? I'd like to meet her…" 
"The last time I saw an Angel was in Andromeda..." 
"By my scales! I think he's not from here!"

Through the hubbub the young dragon understood not very much. Finally a very peaceful voice whispered in his ear. "Look closer, good dragon!"

Who had whispered to him? He could not place the voice. So he trusted her words, and looked with his heart and his dreams. 


As his heart opened his eyes to a truer vision, he realized he was in a land filled with invisible dragons.
He felt a passenger settling on his shoulders. "May I have my phone back, please?"
The dragon was astounded. "What happened to your voice, Angel. You sound like… someone else?" 
She replied in tones filled with peace and wisdom. "I have lived many lifetimes since my Ascension. How many days ago did we see each other?"
He replied in tones filled with confusion. "Days? You only left us about two hours ago… Satine and I had barely begun exploring."
A new voice entered the conversation. "This may take a little time to explain..."
Now the dragon's voice was filled with surprise and joy. "Satine!"

The adventures of the Angel after her Ascension could fill many books, books which have not yet been written. It took many hours for the dragon to catch up with all that had happened. "So the Secret Dragon gave you a magic potion of snake venom, which made you strong and powerful and prepared for anything through the portal?"
The Angel was already back in her old habits. She looked up from her tweeting. "Yes. But do you know? I never, ever used it." She produced a finely carved glass flask. "Just having the potion was enough, I felt I could do anything…"
Satine whispered to the invisible dragon. "I think I understand the Secret Dragon now."

The Angel beamed with pride. "So do I. OK, are we ready for adventures in a land of invisible dragons?"

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