The shimmering heavens

The invisible dragon tamer whispered something to the invisible dragon. A broad invisible smile appeared on his face, and he whispered back. "Good idea!" With a beat of his enormous wings he rose into the air, and headed northwest, toward Oregon. 
The adventurer was tending her garden, and sensed she had an invisible visitor as he landed softly beside her. "Who's there? Who are you?"
He was surprised that she could sense invisible beings like him. "My name is Dragon. Pleased to meet you."
She was very surprised to have a invisible dragon pay her an unexpected visit! But she was always ready for unexpected, beautiful adventures in life. "Pleased to meet you, too. My name is Cat." She held out her hand.
He wondered at her offer to shake hands, then grinned an invisible grin. "I'm a dragon, no hands to shake. Climb on my shoulders, we have an adventure to make!"

Cat was even more surprised to be invited on an adventure with a rhyming invisible dragon. "Please, wait here just a moment..."
The dragon was confused. "What? Wait? Why?"
She called back as she ran inside the house. "Let me get my camera!"

A minute later she came running back out of the house with sunglasses and a camera slung around her neck. With a little jump she leapt onto the broad shoulders of the invisible dragon, and was immediately cloaked by his invisibility. "Time to adventure, good dragon."
She was obviously now in charge. "Where to, Ma'am?"
Cat stopped to think. She had made her life into a beautiful adventure, but flying with a dragon was definitely something new. Where did she want to go? "Fly me through the shimmering heavens. Let's see what we find..."

They rose into the sky. Together they soared over Oregon, and along the Columbia River Gorge. Spectacular views were everywhere. 
At first she snapped many photos, but after a time she became overwhelmed by the emotions, and forgot about her pictures.
The invisible dragon sensed her change in mood. "What do you see, Cat?"
She was pensive. "I feel like I have been flying through the shimmering heavens all my life."
He was very surprised by this. "How? Are you a witch, who flies on a broomstick?"
She giggled. "No!" Then she realized he deserved a better explanation. "Each day is a special gift, a blessing to make the most of, living each precious moment with a grateful heart. Every day I find the “beautiful” and breathe it into my heart, mind, body and spirit - until my very soul thrills with “life”. 

The dragon began coasting in a wide sweep, to begin the journey homeward. "My father, the magician, taught me to find magic in every moment of my life."
She was curious. "Finding magic? What did he teach you to do?"
He remembered the many things he had learned. How to crystalize it all into a simple answer? "Every precious moment is a gift, a blessing, to be lived with a grateful heart. I breathe magic into my heart, and soul, and my dreams every moment."

They landed outside her house, and she became visible as she descended from his shoulders. "Thank you, good dragon."
As he prepared to leave a question entered his mind. "What did you find in the shimmering heavens, Cat?"
She looked around her garden, and thought about her life. The words came spontaneously. "I have magic all around me, every moment."
The bid each other good evening, and with a beat of his wings the invisible dragon rose into the air and on to new adventures.
Cat McMahon is alive and well and photographing her adventures. (The illustration incorporates one of her images.)
The invisible dragon tamer

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