A Brand New Day

The invisible dragon was in an unusual mood, and his father was curious. "What has possessed you today, my excellent son?"
The dragon spoke quietly. "I dreamed last night that our home, this beautiful castle, had flooded under a deluge of rain."
The magician gave a knowing smile with his response. "You told me once, of another deluge... Do you remember?"
Fathers and sons sometimes seem to read each other's minds. Suddenly the young dragon's mood brightened. "Perhaps I should visit the Poet Caster..."
He flew south to the Great Southern Land, and arrived at the house of the Poet Caster as dawn was breaking.

She woke up with the sunlight of the morning crossing her face. She had been dreaming, a beautiful, special dream of a new lover, and a different world...

...A world with a past. Good times and bad, a roller-coaster for the heart. A world with a present, waking up with a new feeling of love in her heart. And a world with a future, filled with endless possibilities. Would this new love last? Would this moment, so bathed in sunlight, become a new path? Life is a roller-coaster, twisting and turning, ups and downs all along the way…

Her broomstick is her pencil, and it was time to cast a little magic. She picked up her notepad, and scribbled down verses and a chorus. A new song, to welcome a brand new day.

The invisible dragon felt emotions pouring our of the heart of the Poet Caster. But this deluge was different. It was filled with light, like a sunshower. He hovered steadily over the house, and beat his wings, causing the trees to swirl into whispers.

The Poet Caster listened dreamily to the unexpected whispering of the trees. As she drifted back to sleep, the whispering transformed into music, and she heard the universe sing her song.

The song you are hearing now.

The Poet Caster is alive and well and living in the Great Southern Land.

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