The Land of Light

The invisible dragon flew far out over the Pacific Ocean, the ocean of peace. The sky was clear blue, and the expanse of water below seemed endless. There was nothing and no-one for miles around…

…but the invisible dragon had a strange feeling he was being followed. 

He stopped, and hovered in mid-air. "Who's there?"
The 'feeling' seemed to stop and hover next to him. "My name is Satine."
He was astonished. "Why are you following me?"
Satine's voice was soothing and feminine, like a breeze across a wheat field. "I want you to come with me to the Land of Light."
The young dragon had never heard of the Land of Light. "Why should I come with you?"
Her sweet voice spoke words that left him breathless. "Because, like you, I am an invisible dragon."

He had dreamed of this moment many times. The day he would meet another invisible dragon. But, as with so many things we dream of, the reality was totally unexpected. 

He gazed at Satine's invisible presence, remembering the words of the Goddess. 
Look closer. See with your heart, and your dreams. 
Slowly, his heart began to make out her being in the ether. He could "see" her. "You have green eyes."

She smiled, and her green eyes seemed to become emerald. "Yes. Will you come with me?"
He had been so transfixed by her he had forgotten her question. "Where to?"
A different, crystalline voice gently called out over the peaceful ocean. "We are going to the depth of the Universe."
He realized the other dragon had a passenger on her shoulders. "Who are you?"
Satine replied. "She is my angel.  Today is a very special day. On very special days I fly her to the Land of Light."

The invisible dragon considered his options. He could continue wandering across the ocean, to unknown adventures. Or he could fly somewhere new with an angel and, for the first time in his life, with another invisible dragon. The choice was easy. "I will come with you."

Satine beamed with happiness. "Good angel, the spell please."

The angel sitting on Satine's shoulders was a very modern girl. She had no old-fashioned wings, nor a white dress. She was wearing jeans, and had been tweeting friends from her smartphone while the two dragons had gotten to know each other. "Just a minute…"

She clicked 'send' on a tweet, then recited a magic spell to take them to the depth of the Universe.

"Great mother, 
the longest journey 
of any person 
is the journey inward. 
Open your arms, 
and open your heart, 
and let us go within."

As the angel's words rang out, the world around the invisible dragon seemed to melt. The sky and the sea seemed to merge into one, and he felt as though he was falling faster and faster into darkness. He could not speak, but he could feel that Satine and the angel were falling with him. 

They fell through the darkness until he saw a point of light. The point of light grew and grew into what looked like a tiny star, about the size of a small city somewhere on earth.
The feeling of falling stopped, and they hovered next to the star. Satine's soothing voice whispered to him. "This is the Land of Light. You are welcome here, good dragon."
His heart was overwhelmed by the glow all around him. "How does it shine this way?"
He heard the angel reply. "All the dreams and hopes of the world are stored here, protected by the pure Light of Love. Like a crystal, the love radiates and refracts though all our hopes and dreams, and shines like a star."

Today was a very special day. 

The young dragon was filled with gratitude. "Thank you for bringing me here." 

He looked at Satine and the angel, and saw that they were both grinning enormous grins, like they were sharing some big secret. Finally the angel spoke. "Do you want to know how we found you, mysterious adventuring invisible dragon?"

He cocked his head to one side. That's a good question. "Yes, I do."

Like a breeze through a wheat field, Satine told of the magic. "I found your dream. You dreamed that one day you would meet another invisible dragon. Your dream was kept safe here, in the Land of Light… and I found it."

The angel is alive and well and tweeting.

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