Waves of Joy

Christina BraveStar was having a not-fun day. Getting ticks out of her preschoolers hair had been one of the less uplifting moments. And now she couldn't find her overdue library books. She called out in frustration. "I need a magician to come here and make my misplaced library books reappear."

Far, far away, the magician sensed her frustration. He called to the invisible dragon. "Can you do me a favor today, my excellent son? Fly Christina BraveStar back to her dream tropical island. She left a couple of library books next to the jacuzzi."
His son was always glad to help. "She likes Belgian Chocolate delivered daily to her door. Shall I take her some?"
The magician was pleased with this. "Good idea. Also, let her know that I have arranged for her 7 year old to become a famous rock star, with girls screaming out his name at concerts."
The invisible dragon called out as he rose into the air. "Will do!"
Several hours later he returned. "Christina BraveStar was very happy with everything. She told me her not-fun day was now totally good fun."
The magician was pleased. "You did well. Thank you, my boy."
The dragon nuzzled his father affectionately, but had questions. "Father, why do we do make this magic for her? What is it about Christina BraveStar that makes you pay her special attention?"
An explanation was in order. "Watch, my son." The magician waved his had, and a vision with young Ms BraveStar at the centre appeared. Waves of light in many colors appeared to be radiating out from her. "Do you see those waves rippling outwards?"
The dragon peered closely. The waves seemed to make the world brighter. "Yes, what are they?"
The magician was also studying the vision. "Those are waves of joy. The Ancient Ones are very pleased with Christina, she is like a beacon for love and joy in the universe.  When we do a handful of small, good things for her, love and joy amplify through her and outwards into the lives of all who surround her."
The dragon grinned an invisible grin. "So all my schlepping around for her does more good than I know?"
The magician gave his son a good scratch under the chin. "Yes. And I'm very proud of what you do."
Christina BraveStar is alive and well and blogging
The real Christina Williams interviews me about writing these stories

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