The Heart of The Universe

The invisible dragon flew low over a lush green valley. He saw a Nature Spirit enjoying the morning, and flew down to investigate. She was playing with someone, but he could not see who it was. 
As he hovered above she looked up, and smiled directly at him. Could she see him, invisible in the air? He called gently to her. "Hello, Nature Spirit…"
She called back to him, this time without looking up. "Hello, great invisible dragon! I can see you in my heart, and my dreams. Meet my invisible fairy."
The dragon looked closer at where she was looking. At first he could see no-one else there. But then, looking with his heart, he saw tiny, fairy-shaped ripples and waves emanating through the ether. "Hello, invisible fairy."
A very tiny voice replied. "Hello, invisible dragon! Shall we fly somewhere, together, all of us?"

This sounded like a chance to adventure. "Nature Spirit, you can climb on my shoulders if you wish."
She responded with a question. "Invisible fairy, would you like to ride on my shoulder?"
The little fairy did not respond, she simple zoomed around and lit on the shoulder of the Nature Spirit. The invisible dragon craned his neck down, and in a moment the Nature Spirit had climbed aboard. They rose into the air, and soared into the beauty of the universe.

The dragon needed some directions. "Nature Spirit, where are we going?"
She looked at the little fairy on her shoulder and winked. "Anywhere and everywhere my imagination and my heart would allow me to go!! There's lots to see and lots to know!"
This sounded like it might turn into an interesting adventure. "What is the most wonderful place your imagination and your heart will allow you to go, gentle Nature Spirit?"
She pondered the question a moment as they coasted through the sky. "Hmmmm…" Then an idea came to her like a breath on the breeze. "I would like to see the heart of the universe, the place where all love emanates from."
They all halted in mid-air, because there was a tiny problem for the dragon. "I would like to go there too. But I don't know the way…"
The beautiful sun shone down on them, and time seemed to be hovering with them. The little invisible fairy gave a flit of her tiny wings, and floated around next to one of the the enormous ears of the invisible dragon. She whispered. "Great dragon, I know the way."
A huge invisible smile appeared on his face. "You do? Please tell me, and I will fly there now!"
The fairy flitted her wings once again. "We just need a little magic."

She called out a spell to the universe. 
"Ethereal whispers permeate the layers of the flower, 
of the petal 
of the seed 
of its universe! 

And as they listened, hovering in the sky, the most beautiful sounds began to circle all around them. The sounds whispered through the ether, enchanting all three of them. The layers of the universe seemed to unfold like the petals of a flower, and they found themselves in a world of pure love - the heart and the seed of the universe.

The dragon felt like he was floating and not-floating, being and not-being, all at once. "This is wonderful"
The Nature Spirit was overwhelmed too. "I never imagined this…"
The tiny invisible fairy spoke to them through the whispers of universal love. "The heart of the universe is here and now, in every moment. Love is everywhere. You only have to listen, and you will hear it."

The Nature Spirit is alive and well and living in New England. (The magic spell in this story is her poetry)

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