In Peace lies Power

The invisible dragon flew over Ontario and descended toward the house of Stephanie. She was sunning herself, reading a book while sipping a Pina Colada, and listening to Frank Sinatra singing jazz.

…Fly me to the moon…

A mischievous invisible grin appeared on the dragon's face. Still hovering just above her, he whispered to her just loud enough so she could hear. "I can't fly you to the moon, but would you like perhaps some other adventure?"

Stephanie recognized his voice. She looked furtively around to check if anyone was watching, then whispered back. "Dragon? Is that you?"

The dragon lit on the ground next to her. "It's me. I think it's about time we flew somewhere together."

She felt a wonderful warm feeling of gratitude. "Thank you for thinking of me. I could use an exciting adventure… but a loving, peaceful one, too."

The dragon placed an invisible talon on his invisible breast, near his heart. "I promise to fly you on an exciting, peaceful adventure to places you will love. Climb aboard."

She turned off the music and stowed the book and her glass under her chair. "Ready!" With another quick check to see no-one was watching, she leapt onto his shoulders and was immediately cloaked by his invisibility. The dragon gave a flick of his enormous wings and together they rose into the sky.

They flew to many places, beyond Canada to Greenland and Iceland, over Scotland and England. Then they soared southward through the skies over France, Spain, the eastern Mediterranean and toward Italy. The dragon made a gentle left turn and headed north over Italy in the direction of the Swiss Alps. It was a wonderful, exciting, peaceful adventure and Stephanie was loving every moment. 

Arriving over the alps, an unexpected thing happened. Fierce updrafts are very common above the high mountains, and the invisible dragon soon flew directly into one of these updrafts. 
He tried to warn Stephanie that the ride was going to be a little rough. "You better hold tight…"
But she was caught unprepared. With the first bump from the updraft, Stephanie lurched forward and grabbed onto the invisible dragon and held tight for dear life.
The invisible dragon tried to keep the adventure peaceful, as she had requested. "Dear Stephanie. All is well. Could you please remove your hands from over my eyes. I can no longer see where I am flying."
She tried to relax. "Sorry, Dragon." She carefully and gentle shuffled her arms until they were clamped around his scaly invisible neck. At which point the dragon opened his eyes…

…and saw that he was about to fly into one of the sheer granite rock-faces on the side of the Matterhorn! 

He executed a perfect swerve, but could not stop Stephanie from being dislodged from his shoulders. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" She grabbed at anything, and her hand clasped tight around the dragon's scaly invisible ear. 
The dragon had a high threshold of pain, but his ears were not made to support the weight of a human being while flying "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!"

Far below, the bi-annual gathering of the Swiss-Austrian yodelers association was underway at a hotel resort on the side of the mountain. Men and women, proud of their national heritage, were celebrating their traditional singing while wearing leather shorts. With all of the noise from the dragon and Stephanie echoing around the valley, they all looked up.

Because Stephanie was no longer seated on the dragon's shoulders, she was no longer cloaked by his invisibility. So a large group of yodelers witnessed a grown woman apparently flying through the air around the Matterhorn, screaming at the top of her lungs.

The yodelers stared open-mouthed. After Stephanie had disappeared out of sight, a woman spoke quietly in German. "Was there something in the Schnapps?"

Far above, the situation was getting dire. The dragon did not know how to fly with a passenger dangling from his ear. He was rapidly losing control, when one of his father's magical sayings entered his mind.

In peace lies power.

He focused his mind onto the peace within. 

His body began to flux and contort in perfect rhythm with the updrafts and the dis-balancing effect of tumbling out of control. In a moment of sheer being, he observed his body moving without any conscious control from his mind. His invisible wing moved around and under Stephanie, and gently bumped her with just the right force back onto his shoulders.

The dragon of course knew their peaceful adventure was now ruined, and that she would be in a state of total shock and panic. "Stephanie, are you alright?"

He heard her voice just behind his ear. She spoke in tones through which the peace and love of the universe could be heard. "Thank you dragon. A moment before you bumped me onto you shoulders, a light appeared within me, and I knew all would be well."

They flew onwards, over many more places on our beautiful blue planet, and then homeward to Ontario.

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