
The invisible dragon soared over the Vienna Woods with the invisible dragon tamer on his shoulders. He had been very mysterious about where they were going since they had left her casita

Now curiosity was getting the better of her. "Where are we going, good dragon? What are you up to?"
His response was jovial, but offered no clarity. "Adventures are better when you don't know what will happen."
They coasted down into the garden of a fine house near the forest. A man in robes greeted them as they set down on the grass. "Welcome, invisible dragon tamer. Welcome to Vienna"
The dragon introduced the man. "This is my father, the magician."
She looked around and saw many people gathering in the garden. "What is happening, good dragon?"
The dragon's face bore an invisible grin about a mile wide. "It's a party! A celebration of you, and your book!"

Emotions of joy and gratitude began to rise in her. "What a wonderful surprise." She looked around and recognized the faces of friends. "How did you all get here?"
Jeanne offered her a glass and explained. "We all hopped on the inspiration bus!"
Stephanie chimed in. "I barely had time to pack."
Cat was giggling with delight. "I bought the apfelkuchen…" She gestured to a table filled with good food, ready for a feast. 

Lynne was enthusiastic to get the party started. "Dragon, do you know how to waltz?"
A puzzled expression appeared on his invisible face. "Waltz? With wings and a tail?"
Her enthusiasm was unstoppable. "No worries, dragon. I'll teach you. 1, 2, 3… 1, 2, 3…"

Antony chatted to the magician. "I wish I had my Martin guitar here. We could sing some Beatles tunes."
The magician snapped his fingers, and a guitar appeared in front of them. "Be my guest."

Everyone enjoyed the music, and the food, and the fun. Although the invisible dragon proved to be not very good at waltzing, he did very well at the hokey pokey, and came 3rd in the limbo competition.

A good time was had by all.

Several hours later, the party began to wind down. The magician spoke with his guest of honor as she was saying her goodbyes and preparing to leave. "How do you feel about your book now, good dragon tamer?"
She told him the truth. "I sometimes get nervous about the launch."
The magician reassured her. "Launching a book is an adventure. You can never know what will happen."
She voiced some of her innermost feelings. "I keep asking myself… Have I prepared enough to make it a success?"

He paused for a moment, looking for the right words. They came a moment later. "You write about the adventure of life - the ups and downs, and how the peace within a person can be a guide through uncharted territory."
She recognized her own ideas in his words. "Thank you for reminding me of what I already knew. Sometimes I need those reminders."
He returned the gratitude. "Your book is also a celebration of who you are, good dragon tamer. Thank you for sharing the light within you."

They bade each other farewell. The invisible dragon flew her across the oceans, and home to her casita.

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