The Portal

"Satine! Where did you go?" 

The two invisible dragons had been cruising through the rich, magical skies above the Land of Light, chit-chatting about dragon stuff. Satine was mid-sentence talking about her cousin from West Africa…

…when she vanished! She was not just invisible now, she was completely gone!

He circled this way and that, but there was no trace. So he used a special piece of magic that he had learned from his father, to find things when there are no clues. He looked within… and he heard an unexpected voice.

"Be prepared for ANYTHING that awaits though the portal."

He didn't understand what the message meant, but he recognized the voice. "Hello sweet Angel! Are you speaking to me from beyond your Ascension?"

He now listened within, and in a few moments he got a transcendent reply. "Follow your heart through the portal. Satine is here, and she is so excited!"

The young dragon now understood. Satine had stumbled into some kind of rift in the space-time around the Land of Light. Some pathway or portal to another world, beyond. 

Then another telepathic message came from the Angel, who he realized was speaking to him through the same portal. "Be a darling and bring me my smartphone, dragon. I left it on my crystal…"
Dragons are exceptional beings. Set them a challenge, and they will do it. The young four-year-old dragon zoomed back to get the Angel's phone from where she left it on her dream crystal. Then he dropped into a super-peaceful state of consciousness, a trance where he could "see" every rift and hole and portal in the fabric of space-time. 

He discovered the Land of Light had quite a few pathways to other worlds all around it. Which one should he choose?

In his deep trance consciousness he could see one particular portal pulsing and glowing, leading to an unknown world. He lifted his consciousness back to his normal, loving being, and realized he was close the spot where Satine had disappeared.

There was no way of knowing if this was the right portal, but it seemed like a good choice. "I hope you are in there, precious Satine, invisible dragon with such beautiful emerald eyes…"

 With a flick of his wings, he plunged into the complete unknown.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastically brilliant adventure, I can't wait for part 2 .. ♥
