The Rhyme of a Dragon's Halloween

Twas the evening of Halloween, with not much to do
The invisible dragon found a good friend, or two
"Oh Stephanie! Oh Lynne! Where shall we meet?
You're so nicely dressed up, shall we go trick or treat?"

Stephanie was cool, she knew what to do
She grabbed her new broomstick, and zoomed to the moon
She was off like a shot, leaving dear Lynne non-plussed
"She's fast on that broomstick! Hey Steph! Wait for us!"

The invisible dragon, he was ready to fly
With Lynne on his shoulders, he rose into the sky
Beyond the heavens and on to the stars
With Stephanie showing the way, from afar.

The adventure was truly out of this world,
Quite fast enough, to make Lynne's hair curl.
She held on to his wings, and with a wee twinkle
said "Dragon! The G-force smoothes out the wrinkles!"

Our good friend the dragon, with an invisible smile,
lingered by the moon, to chat for a while.
"Do you know? G-force does strange things to me… 
From the right angle, I look like Sean Connery!"

Stephanie zoomed past, much faster than lightning
Then pulled up to chat, with her broom a-sparkling.
"I didn't know dragons liked Halloween fun.
Is this the kind of thing you've always done?"

He thought of invisible dragon-ish memories
Adventures of old, that now seemed like reveries
"Last year my Halloween, it left me in stitches
I spent it on Venus with 2 giggling witches."
Lynne looked at Steph. Steph looked and Lynne.
Then all at once, they said the same thing!
"Oh, we get it! You little dragon tart!
Hanging round with witches, and breaking their hearts!"

They laughed at the moment, it was all merriment.
But then his mood changed, to a new sentiment.
With a soft voice he spoke, a little taken a-back
"Sometimes the witches, they make my heart crack…"

Lynne heard a whimper. Steph heard a sniffle,
and she knew this was no time for insensitive piffle.
"There, there, my dragon, it's not a big issue.
If you need it, Lynne has an extra-large tissue."

The invisible dragon gazed at the romantic moon
And he started to hum an old Sinatra tune
then he whispered through a smile, an invisible sound
"I'm always so glad to have you two around."

And the people on earth, they didn't know it
No way to explain it, no way to show it
How special a Halloween they shared that year
But now you, dear reader, you have some idea :-)

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