A perfect day

The Invisible Dragon flew over Atlanta searching for the house of Sarah. His supra-conscious intuition sparked a moment, and he descended to her house. The weather was grey and rainy. He saw her sitting by the window with a daydreamy look on her face. 

She spoke, perhaps to the dragon, perhaps not. "I would be in a warm place. The beach, or maybe even the desert."
The dragon took his cue, and rapped on her window with an invisible talon. "Sarah! Open the window! Let's go!"
She was startled. There was no-one to be seen outside her window. She opened the window tentatively, and whispered. "Dragon? Have you come, so soon?"
His face was one big invisible grin. "It's me. Time to fly! Scramble out the window, and onto my shoulders!"

Sarah was enjoying her retirement. She enjoyed being graceful. But now was no time for acting like a graceful, retired person. Like a teenager she scrambled out of the window, and plonked herself onto the dragon's powerful invisible shoulders. "OK, let's go, good friend. I'm in the game!"

So he rose into the sky, and they soared above the clouds and into the blue. Sunbeams streamed all around them. She was singing with all her heart. "Got a pocket full of sunshine..."
Soon they began to swoop down, and the dragon craned his scaly invisible neck backwards. "You wanted somewhere warm... I chose the beach."
She could see a couple of fancy motorbikes on the sand, near a man sunning himself on his back. "Who's that?"
The invisible dragon landed on the sand with a gentle bump. "Go say hello..."
She dismounted, and wandered across the warm sand, enjoying the sun and the sound of the waves. She recognised the man lying on his back, and gave his foot a gentle kick to wake him. "Hey Randy!"

The man groggily shook his head, and opened his eyes. "Sarah? What are you doing here?" Then he looked around. "And what am I doing here? I feel asleep and..."
Sarah finished his sentence. "...and then you woke up in a dream..." She gestured at the two chopper motorcycles. "Wanna go for a ride?"
He stood up, then looked at her quizzically. "Can you ride one of those things?"

Sarah was suddenly unsure. She looked at the dragon with a questioning look. His invisible voice called back. "Of course you can, Sarah. No matter how young or old, whatever has happened to you, if you dream it...
...you can do it."

She grinned, but Randy was perplexed. "Who was that?"
She explained in a very matter-of-fact way. "An invisible dragon. He's right over there, we flew here together."
Randy just nodded, because questioning such an explanation wasn't worth it when there were bikes to ride on a perfect beach on a perfect day. "OK, that works for me! Let's ride!"

They fired up the bikes, and rode for miles across the sand, and then along curving mountain roads. The invisible dragon kept pace above. The perfect day got better and better.

Returning to the beach they lay down on the sand to rest. Sarah could feel herself starting to doze. Randy was feeling sleepy too, but a question popped into his mind. "If I'm already dreaming, what happens when I fall asleep?"
Sarah's eyes popped open. That was a good question. "I don't know. This is all a bit new to me."

They heard the dragon's voice near them, invisible and serene. "I think maybe you will wake up to a surprise. Wait and see..."
Sarah is alive and well and living in Atlanta

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