Eternity together

The invisible dragon had had a busy morning. He had picked up Sarah from Atlanta early in the morning, then flown across the North American continent to Los Angeles to collect Zuzanna. 

She was so happy to see them. "I've been wishing you and Sarah could be here."
The dragon was enjoying the LA sunshine, but he had a schedule to stick to. "Dearest Zuzanna, please climb aboard. We have one more passenger to collect, and a long flight ahead." She scrambled onto his shoulders behind Sarah.

They rose into the air and soared northwards along the Rockies, and then followed the Canadian border east to the St Lawrence estuary, and beyond over the Atlantic. As they reached the English coastline at Cornwall, he called back to his passengers. "No-one can see you while you are cloaked by my invisibility. Would you like a quick tour of Oxford before we stop?"
Sarah and Zuzanna looked at each other, then nodded and spoke in unison. "Yes please."

He zoomed around the old university town, lingering over the Bodlean library. Zuzanna was enchanted. "What a beautiful place." 
The dragon set down for a moment in a field next to Christ Church. "It's one of the few places on earth which is more beautiful from the ground."
Sarah agreed. "Nothing like this back home..."

Their invisible guide had to keep them on time. "We have a short hop to the next town, gotta get moving!"
He ignored their grumbling as he made a short trip to Witney, and landed in the garden of Isabel. "All set, magical lady Isabel?"
Isabel looked noticably more English than her American friends, with a sun hat and flip flops. "Bali, here we come!"
Sarah was too busy giggling, so Zuzanna shuffled up on the dragons shoulders to make room for a third passenger. "Climb on behind me, Isabel. Plenty of room."

With all three passengers comfortably seated, the invisible dragon lifted off, soaring southeast across the English Channel, then France and Spain. The crossed the Mediterranean, and over the Nile delta and the Arabian peninsula. Zooming over the Indian sub-continent, he banked left a few hundred kilometers to give them a bird's eye view of the Taj Mahal. After leaving Sri Lanka behind they traversed the Indonesian archipelago until the island the Bali loomed below them.

Zuzanna could feel her soul healing. "Where is all this good energy coming from?"
As they set down in the grounds of a temple, the dragon concealed the answer to her question in a greeting. "Welcome to Bali. A very special island."
The women had booked in for a retreat, and were grateful for such a wonderful flight. Sarah wished the dragon could join them. "Why can't we have a retreat with invisible dragons? Why just women?"
The invisible dragon was used to making polite excuses at times like this. "Everybody would be saying 'Look, it's a dragon! Look, he's invisible!' No-one would relax. I'll leave you be. My father the Magician is somewhere on Bali. He said he'd like some father-son time."

­­­As he disappeared into the blue tropical sky, Isabel looked at her two companions, and remembered something. "Wait a minute. We forgot to ask him to take us home again..."

The invisible dragon found his father sunning himself on a beach, listening to the waves. "Good Afternoon, good father."
The Magician saw less of his son now that he was getting a little older, so their times together were precious. "Dragon, what adventures do you have to tell to me today?"

The son chatted, the father listened. At the end of the stories of adventures far and wide, he told of the flight with his three passengers around the world to an island named Bali. As he finished the same thought occurred to the young dragon. "...I don't actually know when to pick them up!"

His father gazed into the Balinese sunshine, and pondered the quandry. The sunlight entered his magical heart, enlightening his reason. "Time will disappear for them, into a dream. And when they return from that dream... you'll know."

The two of them pondered eternity together, as the sun sank into the horizon.
Sarah, Zuzanna and Isabel are alive and well and dreaming of good way to spend their days


  1. Wonderful! You've produced another magical tale that has left me with a smile on my face! Have yo actually been to Oxford Peter? :)

    1. Me and the dragon get around, lady Isabel! :-) A friend of mine lives in Oxford, a Hindi man who calls me "Peter-bhai" (Peter my brother). The field next to Christ church is perhaps my favourite spot, but it's impossible in such a beautiful town to have a favourite place in truth.
