Have you ever heard of a martabird?

I'm sure many of you have never, ever heard of a martabird...

But one day the invisible dragon was flying over Spain, when he saw a little bird gazing down at a large city below. "Hello, little bird."
The little bird was startled, because she could not see the invisible dragon. "I'm not just a bird... I'm a martabird! Who's there?"
The invisible dragon realized he had forgotten to introduce himself. "I'm a dragon. Not just a dragon... I'm an invisible dragon!"

The martabird had never met an invisible dragon. "Wow! Cool! Help me find a new home, invisible dragon!" She remembered her manners. "Please."
The young dragon had a free afternoon. "Sure. What do we do? Where do you want to live?"
The young bird dipped in the air a moment. "See that city below us? That's Cadiz. Let's look around!"

So the two flying friends zoomed around the town. They saw people in cafés, and a bullring, and women and men walking in parks with their dogs. And they saw lots of other birds. They didn't see any dragons, but that is not unusual these days.

After a time they hovered together in mid-air. The dragon looked quizzically at the martabird. "Well, what do you think?"
She cocked her head to one side. "I don't know why, but Cadiz reminds me of an island. Let's go look at Lanzarote..."

Before the dragon could reply, the martabird had zoomed off toward the south west. He shrugged, and flicked his wings to follow her. 

They zoomed across the ocean, and swooped down around the small island of Lanzarote. There were people climbing the rocky hills, and lying in the sun on the beach, and drinking sangria in the cafes. They saw many island birds, but again, no other dragons. After a while, they perched on the peak of a cliff face. 

He waited a few moments, because the martabird seemed deep in thought. "Well, little friend. Will this be your new home?"
She seemed very uncertain. "It's lovely but... I can't see many of the trees with the kinds of seeds I love to eat. And the seagulls don't party much, so it wont be fun for a single bird like me."
He tried to be supportive. "So, let's try somewhere else! Follow me!"

He took off, remembering to fly slow enough for the tiny martabird to keep up. They flew along the south coast of Spain, to a beautiful city called Malaga. They swooped around a cathedral with only one complete spire, and saw people in restaurants, and shopping in the fashionable streets. They saw lots of cats, which the martabird was careful not to get too close to... and still no other dragons. Malaga used to have dragons, but not anymore.

The two winged friends perched on top of the incomplete spire of the cathedral. The martabird blurted out her feelings. "I love it here! And truth be told, I would love to live in Cadiz, and Lanzarote too!"

The invisible dragon heaved a sigh, and tried to think of something helpful to say. "Do you have to make up your mind now?"
She looked at him sideways. "Not yet. If you have a little more time, can we keep looking?"
He thought about his schedule - Nothing to do. "Sure, I've got time."

So they spent a little bit more of their lives looking for a new home for the martabird. And eventually they found one for her...

...but I can't tell you where. But at least now, you have heard of a martabird.

Marta is alive and well and found a new home

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