The Terminus

The invisible dragon, the angel, and Satine had shared many adventures in many lands. The angel spent her days tweeting about the journey on her smartphone.

One morning she read a message, and held a shaking hand to her face. "Oh no." She called to the two dragons. "Please come, come with me now! We have to find Randy."
Satine gazed at her young friend. "Angel, who is Randy?"
Tears began to flow. "He is the oldest young man. He's been shot. They say he may not live. That means his soul is at the Terminus!"

The invisible dragon had never heard of such a place. "What is the Terminus?"
The angel was too agitated. "I don't have time to explain. I don't even know what to do! But we have to go there, now!"
The two invisible dragons looked at each other, and then replied in unison. "We're ready."

The angel cast a small spell.
Of all the doorways in the Universe
The final one is always... the Terminus.

The daylight around them vanished, and they found themselves hovering near a doorway that led to an endless dark. Satine gazed through the door and felt a coldness like no other. "Is that it?"
The angel was searching for Randy. "Yes. The final end. Do you see those flashes of light going into the doorway? Those souls are departing forever..."
The invisible dragon searched too. "What do we do when we find him?"
Before he had an answer the angel cried out. "Randy! It's me!"

A ghostly pale young man seemed to materialize out of the endless stream of souls headed for the doorway. "Zuzanna? Where are we? What is this place? You look different."
She was so overwhelmed with gratitude that she had found him, she could hardly answer his questions. She threw her arms around him. "This is my soul, my real being." Tears fell again. "We're at the Terminus. I want you to turn around, and go back!"

Randy cocked his head. "What's the Terminus? Why am I here?"
Through her tears, she explained. "You were shot, look!" She pointed at his stomach, peirced by a gunshot wound.
He couldn't comprehend why he felt no pain. "Am I already dead, Zuzanna?"
She pointed to the doorway. "That's the Terminus. If you go through that door, you're gone forever. No going back."

He gazed at his wound, and the surreal world surrounding him. "I feel no pain here. Are you sure going back is right?"
The angel found herself suddenly lost for words.

The invisible dragon felt he should say something. "Randy, it's your choice, to go forward or back. Look into your heart, do what your heart tells you."
Randy looked around for who was behind the invisible voice. "Who's that? Are you God?"
The angel Zuzanna explained. "No, he's an invisible dragon." She leaned forward to whisper. "Don't tell too many people at home, I like to hang around with invisible dragons. There's another one named Satine near your shoulder."
Satine bumped the oldest young man affectionately. "Hiya Randy!"

Randy returned the greeting, even though the situation was kind of wierd. "Hi, invisible dragons." Then he had an afterthought. "If I go back, will you guys help me find the way?"
The invisible dragon had no other plans. "I can come. I don't exactly know the way, but it could be fun."
Satine nodded in agreement, and the angel Zuzanna was very happy. "That sounds like a perfect plan."

So the two dragons, the angel, and the oldest young man began the long journey home. They travelled through dimensions of the Universe that only the oldest and wisest of us reach...
...and a few days later, Randy woke up in a hospital bed, surrounded by the people who love him.


  1. Wow! This is a heart stopping one Peter! So glad he avoided the Terminus!

    1. Randy is lucky to be alive. Zuzanna's call for support 'from all light-workers' inspired me :-)

  2. How did I not read this ??? I just found it? Insert tears here ______ Breath taking Peter . . No wonder he got out if the ICU so fast .. we visited & brought him back hehe .. your Light shines so bright .. I can see it from California .. feeling blessed & in gratitude to universe that this Invisible Dragon gets to share adventures of Light and explore the uNiverse with you Dear Invisible Dragon with All our ♥s Love & Light ~ from Satine & her Angel ★ Satine said to give your Dragon a really big hug he he

    1. I just re-read the story... tears for me too :-)

  3. I am so behind I didn't see the other stories either not the audio books .. I am speechless .. ummmmm your such an amazing soul .. I have let this sink in for a sec .. I don't know what to say, YOU LEFT ME SPEECHLESS .
    - that's a first for me LOL YOUR RIDICULOUSLY DELICIOUSLY AMAZING ♥♥♥ and will fly all over the universe in our adventures - smart phone in tow of course - with Satine all night .. See you in the secret zone .. shhhhhh you didn't hear that from me .. k question for the night - why did our souls choose EARTH? Should we explore that one hehe wonder what all the souls on earth think why hmmmmm another intuitive book project?

    1. No-one has ever left such a delightfully appreciative comment before... Thank you :-) How was your magical nite-flight with Satine? Dragon told me he spotted you going into the secret zone, smartphone in hand :-)

      Why did our souls choose Earth? I thought about it during yours and Satine's flight... We should explore that one :-)
