The view is wonderful from here

The invisible dragon lit on the roof of the house, near a low mountain by a river close to a small city. He watched Ryn, and Thea, and David, and Franki enjoying their day in the sunshine. He heard a soft sound, like a tinkling piano melody. "Hello Jena. I haven't seen you in a long time..."

Her voice chimed back. "It's wonderful to not see you again, great invisible dragon! And it's nice to hear your voice. I've been quite busy, I teach the younger fairy godmothers now..."
He cocked his head and considered the news. "They are lucky. I learned a lot from you."
She knew he had, and was proud she had help keep her enormous friend focussed on his task. "Have you been taking them flying to magical places, my winged friend?"
He sorted through his memories, and picked out the choicest. "Ryn has a baby elephant friend named Baboo. We do a lot of dragon flight - elephant ride - dragon flight homeward adventures."
Jena could sense the emotions in her companion. "You like him a lot, don't you?"
The enormous young dragon giggled at himself. "He's such a cutie. When he gets all enthusiastic about our adventures, I blush and become a red invisible dragon!"

The little fairy gazed down at the family. "And the girl? It's her birthday today..."
He gazed down too. Thea was asleep next to Franki. "Thea explores like her older brother. She tells me where to go without words, and I learn again what I learned with Ryn ...but like it is all new and fresh."

Unexpectedly, a little light began to float upwards toward them. Jena shushed the dragon. "It's Thea! She's realized we are watching..."

The soul of Thea floated up, and gently settled on the invisible dragon's head, right between his ears. He explained sheepishly. "It's her favourite place. Don't ask me why."
Jena flicked her tiny wings, and zoomed up next to the babe's brilliantly shining spirit. "I know why! The view is wonderful from here..."

They could see the other houses, and the mountain, and the city skyline off in the distance. They heard Ryn singing, and counting up to 60, and insisting he was a "cheeky monkoo." David and Franki were gushing a little to each other about how wonderful their little family was.

The invisible dragon leaned across to Jena. "It took me a long time to understand why love flows better when mystical, magical beings like don't inspire the parents, and just the children."
She chimed back a question, even though she knew the answer. "Why is that, great dragon?"
He returned is gaze to the family. "We show the children the magic. And it flows into the parent's lives through love. Real magic."
Jena had a proud thought. "Did you learn that from me?"
They both knew the answer, so none was needed. 

The soul of Thea remained perched on the dragon's invisible crown for a long time, and they spend several more hours there on the roof, unseen by all. Then, without warning, Thea's spirit descended, and returned to her sleeping body.

The dragon spread his invisible wings to fly. "I have a lot of adventures with Thea to tell you about."
The little fairy prepared a spell to transport herself away too. "Good. I want to hear them."
In a flash, and a whoosh, they were gone.
(For Thea's first birthday)

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