Others like me

The invisible dragon coasted downward toward the desert outside of Santa Fe. He saw a bright sparkle of light below - the sunshine glimmering on the golden locks of the invisible dragon tamer. She was alone. 

He descended, and hovering close to her, whispered. "Would you like to fly somewhere with me today, good dragon tamer?"
She was pleased to hear his voice, and smiled. "Hello good friend. Just around the desert, if you please."
He craned his neck low and she scampered onto his shoulders, immediately cloaked by his invisibility. They rose into the sky and made lazy circles over the arid landscape.

He noticed her mood. "What's on your mind, dragon tamer?"
She was taking in the beauty of all that surrounded her. "I love this place, and perhaps will be leaving soon."
He did not expect her departure. "Why do you have to leave?"
After a moment she replied. "The time has come in my life for a change." They flew onward, and after a few moments she offered an afterthought. "This might be a time for the invisible dragon to remember there are others like him…"

The invisible dragon came to a halt in mid-air. "Are there others like me? Where do I meet them?" 
She patted his enormous invisible neck. "They lay in the deepest caverns of human minds, near the souls. Each human being has its own invisible dragon."
He craned his neck around to face her, still hovering. "How do I fly into a human mind? How do I get near to a human soul?"
She knew this was a point where she must teach nothing, but share all. "Ask the one who knows you best." 

He searched her expression for more information, but she only closed the conversation. "Please take me home now, I've have enjoyed our flight today."

They descended, she dismounted, and they bade each other farewell.

Several days later the invisible dragon took his father the magician for a little sightseeing, flying over the Swiss Alps. 

As they approached the Matterhorn, the dragon talked of his recent encounter with the dragon tamer. "She told me there are others like me. She said I needed to ask the one who knows me best. What did she mean?"

No-one knew the invisible dragon better than his father. The magician realized he had to come up with some useful answers for his son. "Did she tell you where to find other invisible dragons, my good son?"
The dragon searched his memories. "She said they lay in caverns, between the mind and the soul of a human being. I don't understand..."
The magician understood, but had no idea how to explain what she meant in a way that his son could understand. "Let's take a break. Set us down."

The invisible dragon perched on the apex of the Matterhorn. The magician dismounted and breathed deeply, refreshed by the pure alpine air. He was entranced by the beauty of the natural world. 

The invisible dragon's curiosity continued to pique. "What are the caverns between the mind and the soul?"
The magician pondered the question. "It's a metaphor. The mind and soul are metaphysical, there are no physical caverns. Nowhere a dragon like you could fly."
The dragon's shoulders slumped. "So it's hopeless. I'll never find another like me." 
The magician gave his son a reassuring scratch under the chin. "No, my good son. Be filled with hope. She has given you a wonderful message."

His son was not filled with hope. He was filled with frustration. "A wonderful message? What is so wonderful about a message I do not understand?"
The magician tried to make a joke. "…because it gives you something to wonder about!" 

The invisible dragon was silent for a few moments, and the magician realized he had better dispense with attempts at light humour. 

His son was honestly trying to unravel her meaning. Finally he spoke. "She is unique to me. She makes me want to know more about her."
His father took a small flask containing fine powder from the folds of his robes. "Perhaps this will show you what you need to know." He opened the flask, and scattered the fine powder into the air.

The fine powder was not immediately dissipated by the strong alpine winds. It magically circled around itself, finally forming a sentence in the air.

"The invisible dragon tamer faced, tamed, befriended, 
and now becomes one with her own dragon."

They both stared at the sentence, until the magic of the powder weakened and the wind blew the words away.

The dragon was very serious. "She has met another like me."
The magician had not expected this. "I think so."

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